Sabtu, 20 November 2010
Anjal Mertapada: The Islamic Traditions of Cirebon By AG Muhaimin
Anjal Mertapada: The Islamic Traditions of Cirebon By AG Muhaimin: "The Islamic Traditions of Cirebon Ibadat and Adat Among Javanese Muslims ..."
Minggu, 14 November 2010
Kamis, 04 November 2010
Rabu, 03 November 2010
The Kappe Library Guides identify general resources on broad topics to help researchers begin their work. Individual projects and practitioners are avoided; guides, indexes and general introductions are preferred to specialized works.
Book citations that include a call number can be found at the Kappe Library; other books are identified by author, title and date. Magazine articles are selected from the Avery Index and the Art Index databases; to identify which are available at the Kappe Library, see the Periodicals In the Collection reference.
Web versions of this and all other Guides are available at Submit questions and suggestions to the library manager directly at
Al Hassan, Islamic Technology; illustrated history, T--27.3.I57H37 1992
Colombia University Middle East studies internet resources,
Esposito, The Oxford history of Islam, BP--50 .O95 1999
Hodgson, The venture of Islam: conscience and history in a world civilization, DS--36.85 .H668 1974 volumes 1-3
Internet Islamic History Sourcebook,
Islamic History,
MEMRI Middle East Media Research Institute,
MENALIB Middle East Virtual Library,
Robinson, The Cambridge illustrated history of the Islamic world, DS--35.63 .C35 1998
Stewart, Early Islam, D-199.3.S86
ArchNet, (On both historic architecture & practice in Islamic countries)
Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region,
Grube, Architecture of the Islamic world: its history and social meaning, NA-380.M
Hattstein, Islam: art and architecture, N6250 .H38 2004
H-Islamart, (Discussion network on the history of Islamic art and architecture)
Hillenbrand, Islamic architecture: form, function and meaning, NA-380 .H52 1994
Islamic Architecture,
Islamic Arts & Architecture,
Jairazbhoy, An outline of Islamic architecture, NA380 .J199 1972
Michaud, Design and Color in Islamic Architecture, NK4670.7.A78M5313 1996
Mimar, (No longer published; full-text articles available)
Muqarnas, (Full-text of articles volumes 1-16)
Peterson, Dictionary of Islamic Architecture, NA380.P43 1996
Petruccioli, Understanding Islamic architecture, NA-380 .U54 2002
Blair, The Art and architecture of Islam 1250-1800, N6260 .B56 1994
Ettinghausen, Islamic art and architecture, 650-1250, N6260.E79 2001
Freely, Sinan: architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman golden age, NA1389.S4 A4 1992
Goodwin, A history of Ottoman architecture, NA1364 .G58 1987
Hoag, Western Islamic Architecture, NA-380.H6
Howard, Venice & the East: the impact of the Islamic world on Venetian architecture, NA1121.V4 H69 2000
Necipoglu, The age of Sinan: architectural culture in the Ottoman Empire, NA1373.S5 N43 2005
Pollock, Archaeologies of the Middle East: critical perspectives, DS-56 .A735 2005
Rizwi's Bibliography for Medieval Islam, (Annotated bibliography of resources & links)
Stierlin, Taschen's World Architecture: Islam 1: Early Archiecture from Baghdad to Cordoba, NA-380 .S8513 1996
Thais, Islamic architecture,
Aga Khan Award for Architecture (1977-present),
Architecture-Urbanism blog,
Baker, Architecture and polyphony: building in the Islamic world today, NA2335 .A63 2005
Davidson, Architecture beyond architecture: the 1995 Aga Khan Award for Architecture, NA2350 .I74 A42 1995
Davidson, Legacies for the future: contemporary architecture in Islamic societies, NA1460 .L44 1999
Glusberg, Cairo international exhibition, NA-680.C24 1984
Holod, Architecture and community: building in the Islamic world today, NA-380 .A71 1983
Portoghesi, Architettura nei Paesi Islamici, NA-380.A785 1982
Steele, Architecture for Islamic societies today, NA-380.A734 1994
“Aniconism in Islam,” Wiki,
Akkach, Cosmology and architecture in premodern Islam, BP-182.5 .A34 2005
Conservation as cultural survival: Architectural transformations in the Islamic world, NA-109.T9 C65 1980
Donmez-Colin, Women, Islam and cinema, PN1995.9.W6 D6 2004
Grabar, The formation of Islamic art, N6260 .G69 1987
Gonzalez, Beauty and Islam: aesthetics in Islamic art and architecture, N6260 .G667 2001
Grabar, Islamic art and beyond, N6260.G69153 2006
Irwin, Islamic Art in Context, N6260.I75 1997
Meinecke, Patterns of stylistic changes in Islamic architecture: local traditions versus migrating artists, NA-380.M45 1995
Mortada, Traditional Islamic principles of built environment, NA2543.I74 M67 2003
Necipoglu, “Plans and models in 15th- and 16th-Century Ottoman architectural practice,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 1986
Necipoglu, The Topkapi scroll: geometry and ornament in Islamic architecture, NA2706.A783 N43 1995
Slyomovics, The walled Arab city in literature, architecture and history, DS--36.8 .W27 2001
Benjamin, Orientalism: Delacroix to Klee, N8217.E88 B46 1997
Benjamin, Orientalist aesthetics: art, colonialism, and French North Africa, 1880-1930, ND1460.E95B46 2003
Said, Orientalism, DS--12.S24 1979
Yegenoglu, Colonial fantasies: towards a feminist reading of Orientalism, PN--98.W64 Y45 1998
Introduction to Postcolonial Studies,
Mongia, Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: a Reader, PN-771.C595 1996
Moore-Gilbert, Postcolonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, Politics, JV--51.M65 1997
Nalbantoglu, Postcolonial Space(s), NA2543.S6 P67 1997
Young, Postcolonialism: an historical introduction, JV--51 .Y68 2001
Al Sayyad, Hybrid urbanism: on the identity discourse and the built environment, HT-119 .H93 2001
Bennison, Cities in the pre-modern Islamic world, HT-147.5.B38 2007
Bonine, Population, poverty, and politics in Middle East cities, HT-384.M628 P66 1997
Chuvin, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, NA1498.S3 C48 2001
Elsheshtawy, Planning Middle Eastern cities, HT-169.M628 P58 2004
Islamic Cities Historic Map Collection,
Koolhaas, The Gulf, Office-NA1465.3 .K66 2007 (Brochure)
Lapidus, Middle Eastern cities; ancient, Islamic, and contemporary Middle Eastern urbanism, HT-147.N4 M53 1969
Listri, Marrakech: living on the edge of the desert, DT-329.M3 L57 2005
Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities,
Ross, Sufi City: urban design and archetypes in Touba, DT-549.9.T68 R67 2006
Safran, Places of public gathering in Islam, NA-380 .A7 v.5
Sato, Islamic Urbanisms in Human History, HT-147.5.I86 1997
Smith, State of the Middle East: an atlas of conflict and resolution, G2205 .S65 2006
Wheatley, The places where men pray together: cities in Islamic lands, HT-384.I67 W48 2001
Wolper, Cities and saints: Sufism and the transformation of urban space in medieval Anatolia, NA1363 .W65 2003
Ali, Modern Islamic Art: development and continuity, N7265.A43 1997
Ars Orientalis (University of Michigan),
Bidoun, (Magazine of contemporary Middle East art and culture)
Bloom, Art & Ideas: Islamic arts, N6260.B57 1997
Freer Gallery, Arts of the Islamic world,
LACMA, Islamic art: the Nasli M. Heeramaneck Collection, N6263.L6 L64 1973
LACMA Islamic arts,
Kahlili collections of Islamic art,
Metropolitan Museum, Islamic art,
Rice, Islamic Art, N6260.R53 1975
Khatt Foundation center for Arabic typography,
Written in Stone; Islamic period inscriptions,
CARPETS / TEXTILES, (Journal of Islamic carpets and textiles)
Symmetry and Pattern; the art of Oriental carpets,
Textile arts of the Islamic world bibliography,
Campo, The Other Sides of Paradise: Religious Meanings of Domestic Space in Islam, BP63.E3C36 1991
Danby, Moorish style, NA-380 .D36 1995
Guaita, The art of living: residential architecture in the Islamic world, NA7596.I74 G83 2001
Kries, Living under the crescent moon: domestic culture in the Arab world, GN-640 .L585 2003
Ragette, Traditional domestic architecture of the Arab Region, NA7418 .R33 2003
Ali, Al-Qur'an : a contemporary translation, BP-109 2001b
Chebel, Symbols of Islam, BP-161.2.C5213 1997
Cook, The Koran: a very short introduction, BP-130.4.C66 2000
Esposito, Islam: the straight path, BP-161.2 .E85 2005
Esposito, What everyone needs to know about Islam, BP-163 .E85 2002
Gibb, Concise encyclopedia of Islam, Reference-BP--40 .C66 2001
Islam & Islamic Studies Resources,
Naipaul, Among the believers: an Islamic journey, BP--63.A1 N35 1981
Naipaul, Beyond belief: Islamic excursions among the converted peoples, BP--63.A1N35 1998
Ruthven, Islam: a very short introduction, BP-161.2 .R86 1997
Clark, Art of the Islamic garden, SB-457.8 .C58 2004
Gardens of the Islamic World,
Lehrman, Earthly paradise: garden and courtyard in Islam, SB-457.8 .L43
Moiynihan, Paradise as a garden: in Persia and Mughal India, SB-458.5 .M68
Porter, Palaces and gardens of Persia, NA1480 .P6413 2003
Bloom, “Five Fatimid minarets in Upper Egypt,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1984
Bloom, Minaret, symbol of Islam, NA4670 .B55 1989
Frishman, Mosque: history, architectural development and regional diversity, NA4670.M67 1994
Frishman & Hasan-Uddin Kahn, The Mosque: History, Architectural Development & Regional Diversity, 1994
Grabar, “From the past into the future: On two designs for state mosques,” Architectural Record, June 1984
Islamic Finder, Prayer finder, (International)
IslamiCity Mosque Search database, (U.S. only)
Kuban, Muslim religious architecture, part 1: The mosque and its early development, NA4610 .K83 part 1
Kuban, Muslim religious architecture, part 2: The development of religious architecture in later periods, NA4610 .K83 part 2
Saleh & Alkokani, Proceedings of the Symposium on Mosque Architecture, NA4670.S24 1999 volumes 1-10
Serageldin, Architecture of the Contemporary Mosque, NA4670 .A73 1996
Afghanistan Key Contacts,
Azadzoi, “Rebuilding Afghanistan,” Urban Land, March 2003
Bagner, “At home with Osama,” Wallpaper, #57, April 2003
Bourgeois, “Afghan Muslim shrines,” Architectural Review, December 1979
Cruickshank, “View from Kabul,” Architectural Review, December 2002
Hemmerle, “What is left of Kabul, and how are Afghanis adapting?” Metropolis, June 2002
Hoag, “The tomb of Ulugh Beg and Abdu Razzaq at Ghazni: a model for the Taj Mahal,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 1968
Dutta, “Infinite justice: an architectural coda,” Grey Room, #7, Spring 2002
Klinkott, “Wall structures of early-Islamic mud-brick architecture in South-West Afghanistan,” Detail, January/February 2002
Polytechnical University of Kabul, Faculty of Construction,
Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage,
Society of Afghan Engineers, (U.S. based)
UNESCO Afghan Cultural Heritage,
Williams Afghan Media Project,
Bahloul, The architecture of memory: a Jewish-Muslim household in colonial Algeria, DS-135.A3B3513 1996
Bellal, “Spatial structure of the M'zabite home,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Spring 2007
Boudebaba, Urban growth and housing policy in Algeria, HT-384.A42 C663 1992
Djerbi, “Teaching the history of architecture in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2003
Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et Urbanism, Algiers,
Lipstadt, “Pierre Bourdieu: images d'Algérie,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2004
Loeckx, “Kabylia, the house, and the road,” Journal of Architectural Education, November 1998
Roche, Le M’zab; architecture ibadite en Algerie, DT-298.M9 R58
Wright, The politics of design in French colonial urbanism, NA1590.2.M44 W75 1991
“Algier - August 2003 [History of growth and planning in Algiers]” Bauwelt, September 26, 2003
“Algiers: Casbah,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1599
BenHamouche, “Decision-making system and urban geometry in traditional Muslim cities,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Winter 2003
Celik, “Learning from the Bidonville: CIAM looks at Algiers,” Harvard Design Magazine, #18, 2003
Celik, Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations, NA2543.S6 C44 1997
McLeod, “Le Corbusier and Algiers,” Oppositions, #19, 1980
Armeniapedia, Armenian Architecture,
“Armenian,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1465
CSU Fresno Index of Armenian Architecture,
[Bibliography of Armenian Architectural history] Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1979, p. 168-9
Maranci, “The architect Trdat: building practice and cross-cultural exchange in Byzantium and Armenia,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 2003
Maranci, “Building churches in Armenia: art at the borders of empire and the edge of the canon, Art Bulletin, December 2006
Mathews, Art and Architecture in Byzantium and Armenia, N7852.5.M38 1995
Parsegian “On preserving architectural history: the Armenian experience,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, October 1985
Tanimizu, “Medieval architecture in Iran, Turkey and Armenia,” Space Design, July 1989
Utudjian, Armenian Architecture; 14th – 18th centuries, NA5695.A7U8
“Bahrain,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1449
“Bahrain,” Volume, #6, 2006
Bahrain Society of Engineers,
Contemporary architecture of Bahrain,
Whelan, Bahrain, DS-247.B22 B32 1983
Ashraf, “Muzharul Islam, Kahn and architecture in Bangladesh,” Mimar, #31, 1989
“Bangladesh,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 920
Bangladesh U. of Engineering & Technology, Department of Architecture,
Diba, “Rétour à Dacca,” l’Architecture d’aujourd’hui, February 1990
Institute of Architects Bangladesh,
“National assembly hall, Dacca,” Mimar, #6, 1982
Rahman, ” Seventeen facts on Dhaka's bostees,” Ekistics, May/August 1990
“Cyprus,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1551
Cyprus Architects Association,
Hadjichristos, “Cyprus: Nicosia and its de-visions,” Architectural Design, May/June 2006
Pulhan, “The transitional space in the traditional urban settlement of Cyprus,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Summer 2005
Tourvas, “Collaborative landscapes of growth and change,” Thresholds, #20, 2000
University of Cyprus, Department of Architecture,
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Department of Architecture,
Contemporary Architecture in Egypt,
“Egyptian: rural,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1605
El-Hosseiny, “In search of identity: a view on contemporary architecture in Egypt,” Architectural Design, November/December 2004
Evans, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, Egypt, BX-387 .E93 2004
Fathy, Architecture for the Poor, HN-790.Q7 F33
Fathy, Natural energy and vernacular architecture, NA7117.A74 F3 1986
Forster, Alexandria, a history and a guide, DT-154.A4 F67 1986
Johnson, Egyptian palaces and villas : pashas, khedives, and kings, NA1581 .J64 2006
Kultermann, “Contemporary Arab architecture: the architects of Egypt,” Mimar, #4, 1982
Mayer, “The invincible city with circulatory disorders: rehabilitation of the historic centre of Cairo,” Detail, September 2001
Medina magazine,
McKenzie, The architecture of Alexandria and Egypt, c. 300 B.C. to A.D. 700, NA-216.A5 M45 2007
Misr University, Cairo, Architecture Department,
Mitchell, Colonising Egypt, DT-100 .M57 1991
Perniola, Enigmas: the Egyptian moment in society and art, CB-245.P41513 1995
Rabbat, “Architects and artists im Mamluk society: the perspective of the sources,” Journal of Architectural Education, September 1998
Roode, “Architecture of history: who owns the past? [Cairo, Egypt]” Volume, #7, 2006
Society of Egyptian Architects,
Bergne, “Cairo: Can the Medieval city be saved?” Architectural Review, August 1978
“Cairo,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1603
Miller, Cairo: Tales of the City, DT-143.C28 1994
Parker, Islamic monuments in Cairo: a practical guide, DT145 .P37 2002
Rabbat, The Architecture of Cairo,
Rabbat, “Writing the history of Islamic architecture in Cairo,” Design Book Review, #31, 1994
Rodenbeck, Cairo: the City Victorious, DT-143.R63 1999
Steinberg, “Architecture and townscape in today's Cairo: the relevance of tradition,” Ekistics, January/April 1991
Stewart, Great Cairo, mother of the world, DT-148.S75 1996
Yeomans, The art and architecture of Islamic Cairo, NA-380 .Y45 2006
Celik, Displaying the Orient: architecture of Islam at nineteenth-century world's fairs, NA-957.C44 1992
Davidson, “Mosquée de Paris and French Islam in the capital,” Thresholds, #32, 2006
Metcalf, Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, BP--67.A1 M34 1996
Moffitt, The Islamic design module in Latin America, NA-702.2 .M64 2004
Barrucand, Moorish architecture: in Andalusia, NA1309.A6 B3713 2007
Islamic & Mudejar Architecture in Spain,
Dodds, Architecture and ideology in early medieval Spain, NA1303.D63 1989
Garen, “Santa María de Melque and church construction under Muslim rule,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 1992
Irwin, The Alhambra, DP-402.A4 I89 2004
Jacobs, The Alhambra, NA-387 .J33 2000
Ruggles, Gardens, landscape, and vision in the palaces of Islamic Spain, SB-457.8 .R845 2000
Album of Islamic Architecture in Xinjiang,
Chastain, “Observations of Turfan [China],” Places, #2, 1987
Dawson, The traditional architecture of Indonesia, NA1526.D39 1994
Dumarcay, Cultural Sites of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, DS-593.D86 1998
Kusno, Behind the postcolonial: architecture, urban space, and political cultures in Indonesia, NA1526 .K87 2000
Kusno, “Mosque battles and other stories,” Journal of Architectural Education, September 2003
Pavid, “The Malay House,” Mimar, #2, 1981
Schmertz, “Islamic architecture and rural dwellings from Beijing to Kashi. Architectural Record, May 1982
Lee, “Islamic and rural architectures of northern China,” Mimar, #3, 1982
Saliya, Expressions of Islam in Buildings, the Indonesian Experience,
Sun, Ancient Chinese Architecture; Islamic buildings, Office-NA1543.5.J813 2003
[Bibliography of Georgian Architectural history] Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1979, p. 171
“Georgian,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1474
Georgian Arts and Culture Center,
“Reconstruction and regeneration of the historical part of the city, Tbilisi,” Process Architecture, #54, NA---6.P94 no. 054
“Warum ausgerechnet Tiflis? [special feature]” Bauwelt, September 29, 2000
Asher, The New Cambridge History of India, Architecture of Mughal India, N7307.N47 1992 pt.1, vol. 4
Begley, Taj Mahal : the illumined tomb, DS-486.A3 T34 1989
Brown, Indian architecture: Islamic Period, NA1501 .B74 v.1
Harkness, “Taj Heritage corridor,” Places, Spring 2004
Heritage; Mughal Architecture,
Indian Institute of Architects,
“Islamic Indian Fathepur Sikri,” G.A. Document, #42, 1995
Merklinger, Sultanate architecture of pre-Mughal India, NA1502 .M47 2005
Mitchell, Architecture and art of the Deccan sultanates, N7307.N47 1987 pt. 1, vol. 7
Nabi, Islamic architecture in South Asia : Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, NA1510.7 .N33 2003
Petruccioli, Fatehpur Sikri, NA1508.F3 P4813 1992
Schimmel, Empire of the great Mughals: history, art and culture, DS-461 .E4813 2004
Stierlin, Islamic India, NA1501.S85
Ardalan, The sense of unity: the Sufi tradition in Persian architecture, NA1483 .A67
“Architectures iraniennes,” l’Architecture d’aujourd’hui, February 1978
Beazley, “Surprise in Islam,” Architectural Review, September 1965
Blair, “A medieval Persian builder,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 1986
Canby, Safavid art and architecture, N7280 .S24 2002
Curatola, The art and architecture of Persia, N7283.C8713 2007
Curtis, Forgotten empire: the world of ancient Persia, DS-276.F67 2005
Diba, “Iran and contemporary architecture,” Mimar, #38, 1991
Frye, The heritage of Persia, DS-275 .F7 1993
Grigor, “Use, mis-use of Pahlavi public monuments and their Iranian reclaim,” Thresholds, #24, 2002
Hobhouse, Gardens of Persia, SB-458.5 .H63 2004
Iran (British Institute of Persian Studies),
Iran Chamber Society, (Useful portal)
Iranian architect's society,
Jodidio, Iran, architecture for changing societies, NA-380 .I73 2004
Memarian, “Climate, culture, and religion: aspects of the traditional courtyard house in Iran,” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Autumn 2003
“Mesopotamia & Plateau,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1580
Niroumand-Rad, “Mountain villages of Iran,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Ozdural, “Omar Khayyam, mathematicians, and conversazioni with artisans,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 1995
Morath, From Persia to Iran, DS-259.M65
Moiynihan, Paradise as a garden: in Persia and Mughal India, SB-458.5 .M68
O’Kane, Studies in Persian Art and Architecture, N7280.O42 1995
Porter, Palaces and gardens of Persia, NA1480 .P6413 2003
Shahid Beheshti University, Department of Architecture & Urban Planning,
Shani, A monumental manifestation of the Shi-ite faith in late twelfth-century Iran, NA1483.S435 1996
Soudavar, Art of the Persian courts: selections from the Art and History Trust Collection, ND3241 .S68 1992
Wearden, Persian printed cottons, NK9504 .W43 1989
Amirahmadi, “Teheran: growth and contradictions,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, Spring 1987
“Paradoxical Teheran,” Domus, March 2007
The Style of Tehran, (Report of conference at the Library of Congress)
Ulterino, “Visible city: Teheran,” Metropolis, May 1998
“Was weiss über Teheran?” Bauwelt, September 23, 2005
Baudrillard, The Gulf War did not take place, DS--79.72 .B3813 1995
“Contemporary Arab architecture: the architects of Iraq,” Mimar, #5, 1982
Cruickshank, “Letter from Baghdad,” Architectural Review, March 2003
Ghoussoob, “Then more sorrow: horizontal needs and vertical ambitions in the Iraqi landscape,” Harvard Design Magazine, #19, 2003-4
Iraq (British School of Archaeology in Iraq),
Makiya, The monument: art and vulgarity in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, NA9380.B34 M25 2004
Mehdi, “Architecture of the ‘Nineties in Iraq,”
“Mesopotamia & Plateau,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1580
“Palace power: C-Lab in conversation with Kanan Makiya,” Volume, #6, 2006
Cantacuzino, “Baghdad resurgent,” Mimar, #6, 1982
Mather, “A new program at Baghdad,” Architecture, December 1965
Architecture of Israel Quarterly,
Ben-Tor, The archaeology of ancient Israel, DS-111.A2 M3513 1992
The Biblical Archaeology Review,
“Contemporary design in Israel,” Architectural Record, November 1952
Gilhead-Gromet, “Israel scrapbook,” Architectural Review, February 1955
“Israël :réalisations récentes,” l’Architecture d’aujourd’hui, February/March 1963
Kamp-Bandau, Tel Aviv, modern architecture, 1930-1939, NA1478.T45 K3613 1994
“Kibbutz,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1510
Perry, “The architecture of Israel,” Progressive Architecture, March 1965
Rosen-Ayalon, Islamic art and archaeology in Palestine, DS-111.1 .R6713 2006
Schlor, Tel Aviv: from dream to city, DS-110.T357 S3513 1999
Schiffman, “The new Palestine,” Architectural Review, October 1938
Schwarzer, “The architecture of Talmud,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 2001
Segal, A civilian occupation: the politics of Israeli architecture, NA1477 .C58 2003
Solomon, Judaism: a very short introduction, BM--45 .S666 2000
Technion-Israel Institute Of Technology, Faculty of Architecture & Town Planning,
Ullian, Israel, past & present, DS-103 .U455 1998
Wolf, “Promised cities in a new land: Israel's urban planning,” Metropolis, December 1986
Grabar, Jerusalem, NA5978.J4 G73 2005
Grabar, Shape of the Holy: early Islamic Jerusalem, DS-109.916.G73 1996
Ousterhout, “Architecture as relic and the construction of sanctity: the stones of the Holy Sepulchre,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2003
Confurius, “Tel Aviv and the transportability of the Modern Movement,” Daidalos, #54, 1994
Hatuka, “Mediation between state, city, and citizens: architecture along the Tel Aviv shoreline,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Spring 2007
Kamp-Bandou, Tel Aviv, modern architecture, 1930-1939, NA1478.T45 K3613 1994
Schlor, Tel Aviv : from dream to city, DS-110.T357 S3513 1999
Tatcher, “The White City revisited,” Progressive Architecture, August 1994
Tel Aviv (special issue), Bauwelt, April 17, 1992
Borgia, Jordan, past & present: Petra, Jerash, Amman, DS-153.3 .B6713 2001
Center for the Study of the Built Environment,
“Eastern Mediterranean & Levant,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1560
“Free Zone: a conversation with Amos Gitai,” Log #7, 2006
Lissoni, “Free Zone,” Domus, May 2006
Kuttermann, “Contemporary architecture in Jordan,” Mimar, #40, 1991
Astana City,
Kasachstan, Bauwelt, March 28, 2002
Yeomans, “Dispatch from Kazakhstan,”
Al-Bahar, “Kuwait's post-war reconstruction,” Mimar, #40, 1991
Al-Bahar, “Traditional Kuwaiti houses,” Mimar, #13, 1984
Kuwait Contemporary Architecture,
Kulthermann, “The architects of the Gulf States,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Rykwert, “Kuwait,” Lotus International, #18, 1978
University of Kuwait, Department of Architecture,
American U. of Beirut, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture,
Architecture Re-Introduced, (Several articles on contemporary Lebanon and Beirut)
Atlas Group Archive,
Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Architecture,
“Conservation in Lebanon,” Architectural Review, September 1974
Ghandour, “On cities and designers: a Baalbeck story,” Architectural Research Quarterly, #1, 2006
Ordre des Ingénieurs et Architectes de Beyrouth,,66823&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Sarkis, “Out of context: development and design in Lebanon,” Architectural Design, November/December 2004
Asfour, “The reconstruction of Beirut: a dialogue across borders,” Mimar, #40, 1991
El Rashidi, “In Beirut, the show pauses, then goes on,” Architectural Record, December 2006
Ragette, Beirut of Tomorrow, NA9246.L42 B452 1983
Stanton, “A bomb-out Beirut is being born again – fitfully,” Architectural Record, April 2000
“Architecture in the Italian colonies in Africa,” Rassegna, #51, 1992
Contemporary Libyan Architecture,
Libyan Architects,
McLaren, Architecture and tourism in Italian colonial Libya: an ambivalent modernism, NA2543.T68 M35 2006
McLaren, “The Tripoli Trade Fair and the representation of Italy's African colonies,” Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, #24, 2002
“Ayt Bu Gemmez,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1600
Bender, “The ultimate system :dust to dust,” Progressive Architecture, December 1973
“Domus itinerary #10, A guide to 14 pisé traditional buildings in Morocco, Domus,” July/August 1994
Djerbi, “Teaching the history of architecture in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2003
Ecole Nationale d’Architecture, Rabat,
Global Architecture Village and Towns, #10, Morocco, NA7100.G14 #10
International Urbanization Survey, Urbanization in Morocco, HT-169.M5
Lesage, “The myth of the bridge: connecting Gibraltar to Ceuta,” Hunch, #4, 2002
Miller, “Inscribing minority space in the Islamic city: the Jewish Quarter of Fez (1438-1912)” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 2001
Moroccan Order of Architects,
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Wright, The politics of design in French colonial urbanism, NA1590.2.M44 W75 1991
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Weich, “Maroc my world,” Wallpaper, #53, November 2002
Architecture of Oman,
Basic Reading on Oman,
“India, Northwest & Indus,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 941
Kulthermann, “The architects of the Gulf States,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Lasdun, “View from Muscat,” Architectural Review, May 2006
Oman, Volume #6, 2006
Whelan, Oman, DS-247.O62 O4 1981
Habitat Pakistan: a journal of architecture, planning, environment, and the arts in Asia
Hassan, “The indigenous architecture of Chitral, Pakistan,” Mimar, #17, 1985
Institute of Architects, Pakistan,
“Islamabad,” Architectural Design, January 1967
Mumtaz, Architecture in Pakistan,
Mumtaz, Modernity and tradition: contemporary architecture in Pakistan, NA1510.M86 1999
Nabi, Islamic architecture in South Asia : Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, NA1510.7 .N33 2003
Winter, “India & Pakistan,” Architectural Design, April 1960
Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine,
Ben-Zadok, “Incompatible planning goals: evaluation of Israel's new community development in the West Bank,” Journal of the American Planning Association, Summer 1987
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RIWAQ Center for Architectural Conservation,
Sorkin, “Urbanism is politics: lessons from a place where the extremes now rule,” Architectural Record, July 2002
Weizman, “Architecture, power unplugged: Gaza evacuations,” Log, #6, 2005
Weizman, “Strategic sprawl: suburbanisation as warfare in the occupied West Bank,” Architectural Design, July/August 2004
Al Hannah practical guide to living in Doha, (Wiki from CMU)
Kulthermann, “The architects of the Gulf States,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Nyren, “Beyond oil: development in the Arab world is centering on tourism,” Urban Land, August 2004
“Qatar,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1457
“Qatar,” Volume, #6, 2006
Salama, “Contemporary Qatari Architecture as an Open Textbook,”
Weiser, “Reflecting a national image through design: the Doha International Airport competition,” Competitions, Winter 1998-9
Abu-Ghazzeh, “The art of architectural decoration in the traditional houses of Al-Alkhalaf, Saudi Arabia,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Summer 2001
Crane, Planning the Future of Saudi Arabia, HC-497.A6 C68 1978
Eben Saleh, “Life and death of traditional settlements of southwest Saudi Arabia,” Journal of Architectural Education, February 1998
Facey, Back to Earth: adobe building in Saudi Arabia, NA4145.A35 F33 1997
Gouverneur, Doors of the Kingdom: Saudia Arabia, NK2121.G68 1998
Introduction to Saudi Arabian Antiquities, DS-211.S25 1975
King Saud University, College of Architecture & Urban Planning,
King, The traditional architecture of Saudi Arabia, NA1471.N35 A42 1990
Kultermann, “Contemporary Arab architecture: the architects in Saudi Arabia,” Mimar, #16, 1985
Ozguner, “Saudi urban public spaces and beautification,” Mimar, #29, 1988
Shihabi, “Architecture in Saudi Arabia,”
The Destruction of Mecca,
Ministry of Hajj,
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Virtual Hajj,
Parker, “Opening up of green centre for Riyadh,” Architects’ Journal, September 2, 1999
Riyadh Architecture in 100 Years,
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Ball, Syria a Historical and Architectural Guide, DS--94.B24 1997
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Degeorge, “The Damascus massacre,” Architectural Review, April 1995
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Ordre des Architectes de Tunisie (OAT),
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Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT),
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Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture,
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Celik, The remaking of Istanbul, NA9030.I8 C44 1993
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Gilles, Antiquities of Constantinople, DR-720.B513 1987
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American University of Sharja, Department of Architecture,
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Kanafani, Aesthetics and Ritual in the United Arab Emirates, GT2853.U45 K36 1983
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Whelan, United Arab Emirates, DS-247.T82 U23 1982
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“Yemen,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1445
The Kappe Library Guides identify general resources on broad topics to help researchers begin their work. Individual projects and practitioners are avoided; guides, indexes and general introductions are preferred to specialized works.
Book citations that include a call number can be found at the Kappe Library; other books are identified by author, title and date. Magazine articles are selected from the Avery Index and the Art Index databases; to identify which are available at the Kappe Library, see the Periodicals In the Collection reference.
Web versions of this and all other Guides are available at Submit questions and suggestions to the library manager directly at
Al Hassan, Islamic Technology; illustrated history, T--27.3.I57H37 1992
Colombia University Middle East studies internet resources,
Esposito, The Oxford history of Islam, BP--50 .O95 1999
Hodgson, The venture of Islam: conscience and history in a world civilization, DS--36.85 .H668 1974 volumes 1-3
Internet Islamic History Sourcebook,
Islamic History,
MEMRI Middle East Media Research Institute,
MENALIB Middle East Virtual Library,
Robinson, The Cambridge illustrated history of the Islamic world, DS--35.63 .C35 1998
Stewart, Early Islam, D-199.3.S86
ArchNet, (On both historic architecture & practice in Islamic countries)
Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region,
Grube, Architecture of the Islamic world: its history and social meaning, NA-380.M
Hattstein, Islam: art and architecture, N6250 .H38 2004
H-Islamart, (Discussion network on the history of Islamic art and architecture)
Hillenbrand, Islamic architecture: form, function and meaning, NA-380 .H52 1994
Islamic Architecture,
Islamic Arts & Architecture,
Jairazbhoy, An outline of Islamic architecture, NA380 .J199 1972
Michaud, Design and Color in Islamic Architecture, NK4670.7.A78M5313 1996
Mimar, (No longer published; full-text articles available)
Muqarnas, (Full-text of articles volumes 1-16)
Peterson, Dictionary of Islamic Architecture, NA380.P43 1996
Petruccioli, Understanding Islamic architecture, NA-380 .U54 2002
Blair, The Art and architecture of Islam 1250-1800, N6260 .B56 1994
Ettinghausen, Islamic art and architecture, 650-1250, N6260.E79 2001
Freely, Sinan: architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman golden age, NA1389.S4 A4 1992
Goodwin, A history of Ottoman architecture, NA1364 .G58 1987
Hoag, Western Islamic Architecture, NA-380.H6
Howard, Venice & the East: the impact of the Islamic world on Venetian architecture, NA1121.V4 H69 2000
Necipoglu, The age of Sinan: architectural culture in the Ottoman Empire, NA1373.S5 N43 2005
Pollock, Archaeologies of the Middle East: critical perspectives, DS-56 .A735 2005
Rizwi's Bibliography for Medieval Islam, (Annotated bibliography of resources & links)
Stierlin, Taschen's World Architecture: Islam 1: Early Archiecture from Baghdad to Cordoba, NA-380 .S8513 1996
Thais, Islamic architecture,
Aga Khan Award for Architecture (1977-present),
Architecture-Urbanism blog,
Baker, Architecture and polyphony: building in the Islamic world today, NA2335 .A63 2005
Davidson, Architecture beyond architecture: the 1995 Aga Khan Award for Architecture, NA2350 .I74 A42 1995
Davidson, Legacies for the future: contemporary architecture in Islamic societies, NA1460 .L44 1999
Glusberg, Cairo international exhibition, NA-680.C24 1984
Holod, Architecture and community: building in the Islamic world today, NA-380 .A71 1983
Portoghesi, Architettura nei Paesi Islamici, NA-380.A785 1982
Steele, Architecture for Islamic societies today, NA-380.A734 1994
“Aniconism in Islam,” Wiki,
Akkach, Cosmology and architecture in premodern Islam, BP-182.5 .A34 2005
Conservation as cultural survival: Architectural transformations in the Islamic world, NA-109.T9 C65 1980
Donmez-Colin, Women, Islam and cinema, PN1995.9.W6 D6 2004
Grabar, The formation of Islamic art, N6260 .G69 1987
Gonzalez, Beauty and Islam: aesthetics in Islamic art and architecture, N6260 .G667 2001
Grabar, Islamic art and beyond, N6260.G69153 2006
Irwin, Islamic Art in Context, N6260.I75 1997
Meinecke, Patterns of stylistic changes in Islamic architecture: local traditions versus migrating artists, NA-380.M45 1995
Mortada, Traditional Islamic principles of built environment, NA2543.I74 M67 2003
Necipoglu, “Plans and models in 15th- and 16th-Century Ottoman architectural practice,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 1986
Necipoglu, The Topkapi scroll: geometry and ornament in Islamic architecture, NA2706.A783 N43 1995
Slyomovics, The walled Arab city in literature, architecture and history, DS--36.8 .W27 2001
Benjamin, Orientalism: Delacroix to Klee, N8217.E88 B46 1997
Benjamin, Orientalist aesthetics: art, colonialism, and French North Africa, 1880-1930, ND1460.E95B46 2003
Said, Orientalism, DS--12.S24 1979
Yegenoglu, Colonial fantasies: towards a feminist reading of Orientalism, PN--98.W64 Y45 1998
Introduction to Postcolonial Studies,
Mongia, Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: a Reader, PN-771.C595 1996
Moore-Gilbert, Postcolonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, Politics, JV--51.M65 1997
Nalbantoglu, Postcolonial Space(s), NA2543.S6 P67 1997
Young, Postcolonialism: an historical introduction, JV--51 .Y68 2001
Al Sayyad, Hybrid urbanism: on the identity discourse and the built environment, HT-119 .H93 2001
Bennison, Cities in the pre-modern Islamic world, HT-147.5.B38 2007
Bonine, Population, poverty, and politics in Middle East cities, HT-384.M628 P66 1997
Chuvin, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, NA1498.S3 C48 2001
Elsheshtawy, Planning Middle Eastern cities, HT-169.M628 P58 2004
Islamic Cities Historic Map Collection,
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Lapidus, Middle Eastern cities; ancient, Islamic, and contemporary Middle Eastern urbanism, HT-147.N4 M53 1969
Listri, Marrakech: living on the edge of the desert, DT-329.M3 L57 2005
Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities,
Ross, Sufi City: urban design and archetypes in Touba, DT-549.9.T68 R67 2006
Safran, Places of public gathering in Islam, NA-380 .A7 v.5
Sato, Islamic Urbanisms in Human History, HT-147.5.I86 1997
Smith, State of the Middle East: an atlas of conflict and resolution, G2205 .S65 2006
Wheatley, The places where men pray together: cities in Islamic lands, HT-384.I67 W48 2001
Wolper, Cities and saints: Sufism and the transformation of urban space in medieval Anatolia, NA1363 .W65 2003
Ali, Modern Islamic Art: development and continuity, N7265.A43 1997
Ars Orientalis (University of Michigan),
Bidoun, (Magazine of contemporary Middle East art and culture)
Bloom, Art & Ideas: Islamic arts, N6260.B57 1997
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LACMA, Islamic art: the Nasli M. Heeramaneck Collection, N6263.L6 L64 1973
LACMA Islamic arts,
Kahlili collections of Islamic art,
Metropolitan Museum, Islamic art,
Rice, Islamic Art, N6260.R53 1975
Khatt Foundation center for Arabic typography,
Written in Stone; Islamic period inscriptions,
CARPETS / TEXTILES, (Journal of Islamic carpets and textiles)
Symmetry and Pattern; the art of Oriental carpets,
Textile arts of the Islamic world bibliography,
Campo, The Other Sides of Paradise: Religious Meanings of Domestic Space in Islam, BP63.E3C36 1991
Danby, Moorish style, NA-380 .D36 1995
Guaita, The art of living: residential architecture in the Islamic world, NA7596.I74 G83 2001
Kries, Living under the crescent moon: domestic culture in the Arab world, GN-640 .L585 2003
Ragette, Traditional domestic architecture of the Arab Region, NA7418 .R33 2003
Ali, Al-Qur'an : a contemporary translation, BP-109 2001b
Chebel, Symbols of Islam, BP-161.2.C5213 1997
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Esposito, Islam: the straight path, BP-161.2 .E85 2005
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Islam & Islamic Studies Resources,
Naipaul, Among the believers: an Islamic journey, BP--63.A1 N35 1981
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Ruthven, Islam: a very short introduction, BP-161.2 .R86 1997
Clark, Art of the Islamic garden, SB-457.8 .C58 2004
Gardens of the Islamic World,
Lehrman, Earthly paradise: garden and courtyard in Islam, SB-457.8 .L43
Moiynihan, Paradise as a garden: in Persia and Mughal India, SB-458.5 .M68
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Bloom, “Five Fatimid minarets in Upper Egypt,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1984
Bloom, Minaret, symbol of Islam, NA4670 .B55 1989
Frishman, Mosque: history, architectural development and regional diversity, NA4670.M67 1994
Frishman & Hasan-Uddin Kahn, The Mosque: History, Architectural Development & Regional Diversity, 1994
Grabar, “From the past into the future: On two designs for state mosques,” Architectural Record, June 1984
Islamic Finder, Prayer finder, (International)
IslamiCity Mosque Search database, (U.S. only)
Kuban, Muslim religious architecture, part 1: The mosque and its early development, NA4610 .K83 part 1
Kuban, Muslim religious architecture, part 2: The development of religious architecture in later periods, NA4610 .K83 part 2
Saleh & Alkokani, Proceedings of the Symposium on Mosque Architecture, NA4670.S24 1999 volumes 1-10
Serageldin, Architecture of the Contemporary Mosque, NA4670 .A73 1996
Afghanistan Key Contacts,
Azadzoi, “Rebuilding Afghanistan,” Urban Land, March 2003
Bagner, “At home with Osama,” Wallpaper, #57, April 2003
Bourgeois, “Afghan Muslim shrines,” Architectural Review, December 1979
Cruickshank, “View from Kabul,” Architectural Review, December 2002
Hemmerle, “What is left of Kabul, and how are Afghanis adapting?” Metropolis, June 2002
Hoag, “The tomb of Ulugh Beg and Abdu Razzaq at Ghazni: a model for the Taj Mahal,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 1968
Dutta, “Infinite justice: an architectural coda,” Grey Room, #7, Spring 2002
Klinkott, “Wall structures of early-Islamic mud-brick architecture in South-West Afghanistan,” Detail, January/February 2002
Polytechnical University of Kabul, Faculty of Construction,
Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage,
Society of Afghan Engineers, (U.S. based)
UNESCO Afghan Cultural Heritage,
Williams Afghan Media Project,
Bahloul, The architecture of memory: a Jewish-Muslim household in colonial Algeria, DS-135.A3B3513 1996
Bellal, “Spatial structure of the M'zabite home,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Spring 2007
Boudebaba, Urban growth and housing policy in Algeria, HT-384.A42 C663 1992
Djerbi, “Teaching the history of architecture in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2003
Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et Urbanism, Algiers,
Lipstadt, “Pierre Bourdieu: images d'Algérie,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2004
Loeckx, “Kabylia, the house, and the road,” Journal of Architectural Education, November 1998
Roche, Le M’zab; architecture ibadite en Algerie, DT-298.M9 R58
Wright, The politics of design in French colonial urbanism, NA1590.2.M44 W75 1991
“Algier - August 2003 [History of growth and planning in Algiers]” Bauwelt, September 26, 2003
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BenHamouche, “Decision-making system and urban geometry in traditional Muslim cities,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Winter 2003
Celik, “Learning from the Bidonville: CIAM looks at Algiers,” Harvard Design Magazine, #18, 2003
Celik, Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations, NA2543.S6 C44 1997
McLeod, “Le Corbusier and Algiers,” Oppositions, #19, 1980
Armeniapedia, Armenian Architecture,
“Armenian,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1465
CSU Fresno Index of Armenian Architecture,
[Bibliography of Armenian Architectural history] Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1979, p. 168-9
Maranci, “The architect Trdat: building practice and cross-cultural exchange in Byzantium and Armenia,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 2003
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Parsegian “On preserving architectural history: the Armenian experience,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, October 1985
Tanimizu, “Medieval architecture in Iran, Turkey and Armenia,” Space Design, July 1989
Utudjian, Armenian Architecture; 14th – 18th centuries, NA5695.A7U8
“Bahrain,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1449
“Bahrain,” Volume, #6, 2006
Bahrain Society of Engineers,
Contemporary architecture of Bahrain,
Whelan, Bahrain, DS-247.B22 B32 1983
Ashraf, “Muzharul Islam, Kahn and architecture in Bangladesh,” Mimar, #31, 1989
“Bangladesh,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 920
Bangladesh U. of Engineering & Technology, Department of Architecture,
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Institute of Architects Bangladesh,
“National assembly hall, Dacca,” Mimar, #6, 1982
Rahman, ” Seventeen facts on Dhaka's bostees,” Ekistics, May/August 1990
“Cyprus,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1551
Cyprus Architects Association,
Hadjichristos, “Cyprus: Nicosia and its de-visions,” Architectural Design, May/June 2006
Pulhan, “The transitional space in the traditional urban settlement of Cyprus,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Summer 2005
Tourvas, “Collaborative landscapes of growth and change,” Thresholds, #20, 2000
University of Cyprus, Department of Architecture,
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Department of Architecture,
Contemporary Architecture in Egypt,
“Egyptian: rural,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1605
El-Hosseiny, “In search of identity: a view on contemporary architecture in Egypt,” Architectural Design, November/December 2004
Evans, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, Egypt, BX-387 .E93 2004
Fathy, Architecture for the Poor, HN-790.Q7 F33
Fathy, Natural energy and vernacular architecture, NA7117.A74 F3 1986
Forster, Alexandria, a history and a guide, DT-154.A4 F67 1986
Johnson, Egyptian palaces and villas : pashas, khedives, and kings, NA1581 .J64 2006
Kultermann, “Contemporary Arab architecture: the architects of Egypt,” Mimar, #4, 1982
Mayer, “The invincible city with circulatory disorders: rehabilitation of the historic centre of Cairo,” Detail, September 2001
Medina magazine,
McKenzie, The architecture of Alexandria and Egypt, c. 300 B.C. to A.D. 700, NA-216.A5 M45 2007
Misr University, Cairo, Architecture Department,
Mitchell, Colonising Egypt, DT-100 .M57 1991
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Roode, “Architecture of history: who owns the past? [Cairo, Egypt]” Volume, #7, 2006
Society of Egyptian Architects,
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“Cairo,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1603
Miller, Cairo: Tales of the City, DT-143.C28 1994
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Rabbat, The Architecture of Cairo,
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Metcalf, Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, BP--67.A1 M34 1996
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Islamic & Mudejar Architecture in Spain,
Dodds, Architecture and ideology in early medieval Spain, NA1303.D63 1989
Garen, “Santa María de Melque and church construction under Muslim rule,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 1992
Irwin, The Alhambra, DP-402.A4 I89 2004
Jacobs, The Alhambra, NA-387 .J33 2000
Ruggles, Gardens, landscape, and vision in the palaces of Islamic Spain, SB-457.8 .R845 2000
Album of Islamic Architecture in Xinjiang,
Chastain, “Observations of Turfan [China],” Places, #2, 1987
Dawson, The traditional architecture of Indonesia, NA1526.D39 1994
Dumarcay, Cultural Sites of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, DS-593.D86 1998
Kusno, Behind the postcolonial: architecture, urban space, and political cultures in Indonesia, NA1526 .K87 2000
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Pavid, “The Malay House,” Mimar, #2, 1981
Schmertz, “Islamic architecture and rural dwellings from Beijing to Kashi. Architectural Record, May 1982
Lee, “Islamic and rural architectures of northern China,” Mimar, #3, 1982
Saliya, Expressions of Islam in Buildings, the Indonesian Experience,
Sun, Ancient Chinese Architecture; Islamic buildings, Office-NA1543.5.J813 2003
[Bibliography of Georgian Architectural history] Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1979, p. 171
“Georgian,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1474
Georgian Arts and Culture Center,
“Reconstruction and regeneration of the historical part of the city, Tbilisi,” Process Architecture, #54, NA---6.P94 no. 054
“Warum ausgerechnet Tiflis? [special feature]” Bauwelt, September 29, 2000
Asher, The New Cambridge History of India, Architecture of Mughal India, N7307.N47 1992 pt.1, vol. 4
Begley, Taj Mahal : the illumined tomb, DS-486.A3 T34 1989
Brown, Indian architecture: Islamic Period, NA1501 .B74 v.1
Harkness, “Taj Heritage corridor,” Places, Spring 2004
Heritage; Mughal Architecture,
Indian Institute of Architects,
“Islamic Indian Fathepur Sikri,” G.A. Document, #42, 1995
Merklinger, Sultanate architecture of pre-Mughal India, NA1502 .M47 2005
Mitchell, Architecture and art of the Deccan sultanates, N7307.N47 1987 pt. 1, vol. 7
Nabi, Islamic architecture in South Asia : Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, NA1510.7 .N33 2003
Petruccioli, Fatehpur Sikri, NA1508.F3 P4813 1992
Schimmel, Empire of the great Mughals: history, art and culture, DS-461 .E4813 2004
Stierlin, Islamic India, NA1501.S85
Ardalan, The sense of unity: the Sufi tradition in Persian architecture, NA1483 .A67
“Architectures iraniennes,” l’Architecture d’aujourd’hui, February 1978
Beazley, “Surprise in Islam,” Architectural Review, September 1965
Blair, “A medieval Persian builder,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 1986
Canby, Safavid art and architecture, N7280 .S24 2002
Curatola, The art and architecture of Persia, N7283.C8713 2007
Curtis, Forgotten empire: the world of ancient Persia, DS-276.F67 2005
Diba, “Iran and contemporary architecture,” Mimar, #38, 1991
Frye, The heritage of Persia, DS-275 .F7 1993
Grigor, “Use, mis-use of Pahlavi public monuments and their Iranian reclaim,” Thresholds, #24, 2002
Hobhouse, Gardens of Persia, SB-458.5 .H63 2004
Iran (British Institute of Persian Studies),
Iran Chamber Society, (Useful portal)
Iranian architect's society,
Jodidio, Iran, architecture for changing societies, NA-380 .I73 2004
Memarian, “Climate, culture, and religion: aspects of the traditional courtyard house in Iran,” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Autumn 2003
“Mesopotamia & Plateau,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1580
Niroumand-Rad, “Mountain villages of Iran,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Ozdural, “Omar Khayyam, mathematicians, and conversazioni with artisans,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 1995
Morath, From Persia to Iran, DS-259.M65
Moiynihan, Paradise as a garden: in Persia and Mughal India, SB-458.5 .M68
O’Kane, Studies in Persian Art and Architecture, N7280.O42 1995
Porter, Palaces and gardens of Persia, NA1480 .P6413 2003
Shahid Beheshti University, Department of Architecture & Urban Planning,
Shani, A monumental manifestation of the Shi-ite faith in late twelfth-century Iran, NA1483.S435 1996
Soudavar, Art of the Persian courts: selections from the Art and History Trust Collection, ND3241 .S68 1992
Wearden, Persian printed cottons, NK9504 .W43 1989
Amirahmadi, “Teheran: growth and contradictions,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, Spring 1987
“Paradoxical Teheran,” Domus, March 2007
The Style of Tehran, (Report of conference at the Library of Congress)
Ulterino, “Visible city: Teheran,” Metropolis, May 1998
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Baudrillard, The Gulf War did not take place, DS--79.72 .B3813 1995
“Contemporary Arab architecture: the architects of Iraq,” Mimar, #5, 1982
Cruickshank, “Letter from Baghdad,” Architectural Review, March 2003
Ghoussoob, “Then more sorrow: horizontal needs and vertical ambitions in the Iraqi landscape,” Harvard Design Magazine, #19, 2003-4
Iraq (British School of Archaeology in Iraq),
Makiya, The monument: art and vulgarity in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, NA9380.B34 M25 2004
Mehdi, “Architecture of the ‘Nineties in Iraq,”
“Mesopotamia & Plateau,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1580
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Mather, “A new program at Baghdad,” Architecture, December 1965
Architecture of Israel Quarterly,
Ben-Tor, The archaeology of ancient Israel, DS-111.A2 M3513 1992
The Biblical Archaeology Review,
“Contemporary design in Israel,” Architectural Record, November 1952
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“Kibbutz,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1510
Perry, “The architecture of Israel,” Progressive Architecture, March 1965
Rosen-Ayalon, Islamic art and archaeology in Palestine, DS-111.1 .R6713 2006
Schlor, Tel Aviv: from dream to city, DS-110.T357 S3513 1999
Schiffman, “The new Palestine,” Architectural Review, October 1938
Schwarzer, “The architecture of Talmud,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 2001
Segal, A civilian occupation: the politics of Israeli architecture, NA1477 .C58 2003
Solomon, Judaism: a very short introduction, BM--45 .S666 2000
Technion-Israel Institute Of Technology, Faculty of Architecture & Town Planning,
Ullian, Israel, past & present, DS-103 .U455 1998
Wolf, “Promised cities in a new land: Israel's urban planning,” Metropolis, December 1986
Grabar, Jerusalem, NA5978.J4 G73 2005
Grabar, Shape of the Holy: early Islamic Jerusalem, DS-109.916.G73 1996
Ousterhout, “Architecture as relic and the construction of sanctity: the stones of the Holy Sepulchre,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2003
Confurius, “Tel Aviv and the transportability of the Modern Movement,” Daidalos, #54, 1994
Hatuka, “Mediation between state, city, and citizens: architecture along the Tel Aviv shoreline,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Spring 2007
Kamp-Bandou, Tel Aviv, modern architecture, 1930-1939, NA1478.T45 K3613 1994
Schlor, Tel Aviv : from dream to city, DS-110.T357 S3513 1999
Tatcher, “The White City revisited,” Progressive Architecture, August 1994
Tel Aviv (special issue), Bauwelt, April 17, 1992
Borgia, Jordan, past & present: Petra, Jerash, Amman, DS-153.3 .B6713 2001
Center for the Study of the Built Environment,
“Eastern Mediterranean & Levant,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1560
“Free Zone: a conversation with Amos Gitai,” Log #7, 2006
Lissoni, “Free Zone,” Domus, May 2006
Kuttermann, “Contemporary architecture in Jordan,” Mimar, #40, 1991
Astana City,
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Yeomans, “Dispatch from Kazakhstan,”
Al-Bahar, “Kuwait's post-war reconstruction,” Mimar, #40, 1991
Al-Bahar, “Traditional Kuwaiti houses,” Mimar, #13, 1984
Kuwait Contemporary Architecture,
Kulthermann, “The architects of the Gulf States,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Rykwert, “Kuwait,” Lotus International, #18, 1978
University of Kuwait, Department of Architecture,
American U. of Beirut, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture,
Architecture Re-Introduced, (Several articles on contemporary Lebanon and Beirut)
Atlas Group Archive,
Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Architecture,
“Conservation in Lebanon,” Architectural Review, September 1974
Ghandour, “On cities and designers: a Baalbeck story,” Architectural Research Quarterly, #1, 2006
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Contemporary Libyan Architecture,
Libyan Architects,
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Ecole Nationale d’Architecture, Rabat,
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Lesage, “The myth of the bridge: connecting Gibraltar to Ceuta,” Hunch, #4, 2002
Miller, “Inscribing minority space in the Islamic city: the Jewish Quarter of Fez (1438-1912)” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 2001
Moroccan Order of Architects,
Morton, “Madagascar and Morocco at the 1931 Colonial Exposition,” Journal of Architectural Education, November 1998
“Les problèmes démographiques Marocains,” l’Architecture d’aujourd’hui, June 1955
Rabinow, “France in Morocco: technocosmopolitanism and middling modernism,” Assemblage, #17, 1992
Verner, The villas and riads of Morocco, NA7461.7.A1 V4713 2005
Virieu, Majorelle: a Moroccan oasis, SB466.M83 M353 1999
Wright, The politics of design in French colonial urbanism, NA1590.2.M44 W75 1991
Cohen, “Architectural history and the colonial question: Casablanca, Algiers and beyond,” Architectural History, 2006
Cohen, Casablanca : colonial myths and architecture ventures, NA1590.2.C37 C6513 2002
Cohen, “L'esperienza urbana di Casablanca,” Casabella, September 1992
Cohen, “The whiteness of the surf: Casablanca,” Any, #16, 1996
Weich, “Maroc my world,” Wallpaper, #53, November 2002
Architecture of Oman,
Basic Reading on Oman,
“India, Northwest & Indus,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 941
Kulthermann, “The architects of the Gulf States,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Lasdun, “View from Muscat,” Architectural Review, May 2006
Oman, Volume #6, 2006
Whelan, Oman, DS-247.O62 O4 1981
Habitat Pakistan: a journal of architecture, planning, environment, and the arts in Asia
Hassan, “The indigenous architecture of Chitral, Pakistan,” Mimar, #17, 1985
Institute of Architects, Pakistan,
“Islamabad,” Architectural Design, January 1967
Mumtaz, Architecture in Pakistan,
Mumtaz, Modernity and tradition: contemporary architecture in Pakistan, NA1510.M86 1999
Nabi, Islamic architecture in South Asia : Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, NA1510.7 .N33 2003
Winter, “India & Pakistan,” Architectural Design, April 1960
Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine,
Ben-Zadok, “Incompatible planning goals: evaluation of Israel's new community development in the West Bank,” Journal of the American Planning Association, Summer 1987
Jabareen, “Culture and housing: preference in a developing city [Gaza]” Environment & Behavior, January 2005
Kay, “View from Ramallah,” Architectural Review, May 2002
RIWAQ Center for Architectural Conservation,
Sorkin, “Urbanism is politics: lessons from a place where the extremes now rule,” Architectural Record, July 2002
Weizman, “Architecture, power unplugged: Gaza evacuations,” Log, #6, 2005
Weizman, “Strategic sprawl: suburbanisation as warfare in the occupied West Bank,” Architectural Design, July/August 2004
Al Hannah practical guide to living in Doha, (Wiki from CMU)
Kulthermann, “The architects of the Gulf States,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Nyren, “Beyond oil: development in the Arab world is centering on tourism,” Urban Land, August 2004
“Qatar,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1457
“Qatar,” Volume, #6, 2006
Salama, “Contemporary Qatari Architecture as an Open Textbook,”
Weiser, “Reflecting a national image through design: the Doha International Airport competition,” Competitions, Winter 1998-9
Abu-Ghazzeh, “The art of architectural decoration in the traditional houses of Al-Alkhalaf, Saudi Arabia,” Journal of Architectural & Planning Research, Summer 2001
Crane, Planning the Future of Saudi Arabia, HC-497.A6 C68 1978
Eben Saleh, “Life and death of traditional settlements of southwest Saudi Arabia,” Journal of Architectural Education, February 1998
Facey, Back to Earth: adobe building in Saudi Arabia, NA4145.A35 F33 1997
Gouverneur, Doors of the Kingdom: Saudia Arabia, NK2121.G68 1998
Introduction to Saudi Arabian Antiquities, DS-211.S25 1975
King Saud University, College of Architecture & Urban Planning,
King, The traditional architecture of Saudi Arabia, NA1471.N35 A42 1990
Kultermann, “Contemporary Arab architecture: the architects in Saudi Arabia,” Mimar, #16, 1985
Ozguner, “Saudi urban public spaces and beautification,” Mimar, #29, 1988
Shihabi, “Architecture in Saudi Arabia,”
The Destruction of Mecca,
Ministry of Hajj,
Nasr, Mecca the Blessed Medina the Radiant, DS-248.M4 N66 1997
Rabbat, “In the beginning was the house: on the image of the two noble sanctuaries of Islam,” Thresholds, #25, 2002
Virtual Hajj,
Parker, “Opening up of green centre for Riyadh,” Architects’ Journal, September 2, 1999
Riyadh Architecture in 100 Years,
Tentori, “Riyadh,” Lotus International, #18, 1978
Ball, Syria a Historical and Architectural Guide, DS--94.B24 1997
Cantacuzino, “Aleppo,” Architectural Review, October 1975
Degeorge, “The Damascus massacre,” Architectural Review, April 1995
El Rashidi, “Syria weighs national and international influences in a post-Socialist age,” Architectural Record, March 2006
Fowden, Qusayr Amra : art and the Umayyad elite in late antique Syria, ND2819.J6 F69 2004
Keenan, Damascus: hidden treasures of the old city, NA7419.S9 K33 2000
Maan, “Contemporary architecture in Syria,”
Qudsi, “Aleppo: a struggle for conservation,” Mimar, #12, 1984
Rabbat, “Architects and artists in Mamluk society: the sources,” Journal of Architectural Education, September 1998
“Geometry of Djerba,” Architectural Review, November 1965
Golany, Earth-Sheltered Dwellings in Tunisia, NA7461.A1 G6 1988
Goldfinger, “Subterranean village,” Arts & Architecture, June 1967
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Joly, “White silhouettes of Djerba,” Mimar, #13, 1984
“Matmata,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.3, p. 2104
Ordre des Architectes de Tunisie (OAT),
Smith, “Report from Tunisia,” Architectural Forum, July 1950
“Tunis Medina,” Architectural Review, October 1975
Anatolian Studies (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara),
“Architecture in Turkey,” A+U, July 2000
Asatekin, “Understandng traditional residential architecture in Anatolia,” Journal of Architecture, September 2005
Azygulski, Ottoman art in the service of the empire, NK1011 .Z94 1991
Bakirer, “The use of brickbonds in Anatolian Seljuk architecture,” Middle East Technical University Journal, Fall 1980
Baydar, “Teaching architectural history in Turkey and Greece,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2003
Baydar, “Tenuous boundaries: women, domesticity and nationhood in 1930s Turkey,” Journal of Architecture, Autumn 2002
Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT),
Crane, “Recent literature on the history of Turkish architecture,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 1972
Davidson, Anytime / edited by Cynthia C. Davidson. / 8th Any Conference, held in Ankara, Turkey, NA--21 .A59 1999
Erman, “Architects and the architectural profession in the Turkish context,” Journal of Architectural Education, November 2004
Gebhard, “The traditional wood house of Turkey,” Architecture, March 1963
Goodwin, Ottoman Turkey, NA1364.G63
Hamdeh, “Ottoman expressions of early modernity, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2004
International Urbanization Survey, Urbanization in Turkey, HT-169.T7
Lifchez, The Dervish lodge: architecture, art, and Sufism in Ottoman Turkey, NX-688.T9 D47 1992
Malcomson, Empire's edge : travels in South-Eastern Europe, Turkey and Central Asia, DR--16 .M354 1994
Matthews, “Islamic-style mansions in Byzantine Cappadocia,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 1997
Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture,
Middle East Technical University Journal (METU),
Nalbantoglu, “Between civilization and culture: appropriation of traditional dwelling forms in early republican Turkey,” Journal of Architectural Education, November 1993
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Stierlin, Turkey, from the Selçuks to the Ottomans, NA1364 .S74 1998
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Barillari, Istanbul 1900, NA1370.B3713 1996
Celik, The remaking of Istanbul, NA9030.I8 C44 1993
Clark, “The Ottoman umpire,” Architecture, October 2005
Freely, Istanbul: the Imperial City, DR-728.F75 1998
Gilles, Antiquities of Constantinople, DR-720.B513 1987
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Keyder, Istanbul: between the global and the local, DR-719.K49 1999
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“Abu Dhabi,” Architectural Review, October 1967
American University of Sharja, Department of Architecture,
Architecture & Urban Fabric in Abu Dhabi,
Bukhash, New Projects in Dubai,
Cantacuzino, “The United Arab Emirates,” Architectural Review, June 1977
Damluji, The architecture of the United Arab Emirates, NA1473 .A73 2006
El-Dahdah, “Letter from Abu Dhabi,” Any, #13, 1996
Kanafani, Aesthetics and Ritual in the United Arab Emirates, GT2853.U45 K36 1983
Kulthermann, “The architects of the Gulf States,” Mimar, #14, 1984
Whelan, United Arab Emirates, DS-247.T82 U23 1982
Angelil, “Dubai, Inc,” Log, #8, 2006
Al Sager, “Neither desperate nor decadent,” Volume, #6, 2006
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Dubai architecture & design. NA1473.2.D8 D8 2006
The Dubai Life,
Fahey, “Dubai's next phase,” Urban Land, August 2005
Ivy, “Dubai rises,” Architectural Record, February 2006
Machado, “Dubai ... is not yet,” Harvard Design Magazine, #25, 2006-7
Peacock, “’Toun town,” Wallpaper, #47, 2002
Chance, “The politics of restoration,” Architectural Review, October 1994
Chuvin, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, NA1498.S3 C48 2001
Cities & Architecture, Samarkand,
Webb, “Rescue or rape?” Metropolis, August/September 1998
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Breton, “Shibam and the Wadi Hadramaut,” Mimar, #18, 1985
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Commentary on Yemeni traditional architecture,
Conservation of the Old Walled City of Sana’a,
“Conserving the traditional architectural culture of Yemen,” Architectural Record, September 1983
Davey, “The Yemen's mud brick buildings,” Architectural Review, July 2002
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Institute du Monde Arabe, Yemen: architecture millenaire, NA1490.Y45 Y46 1992
Lewcock, The old walled city of Sana’a,
Marechaux, Impressions of Yemen, DS-247.06.M3713 1997
Varanda, Art of building in Yemen, NA1470 .V37 1982
“Yemen,” Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Reference-NA-208.E53 1997 v.2, p. 1445
An Overview of Tijani Books: a Bibliography
An Overview of Tijani Books: a Bibliography
The purpose of this page is to bring together all bibliographic references of the published literature on the Mohammediya Tijaniya Path and related e-books of the Sufi Community in one source so that it will save time for the companions and confidants in conducting literature searches and reviewing our Tijani Path’s hagiographies, jurisprudences, litanies, and responses to the agnostics. The Path’s doctrine included in this authentic bibliography has been collected from a variety of published sources. The bibliography is organized by collection within the headings.
Al-Khalifa Sidi Abul Hassan Ali Harazem Berrada al-Fasi (d. 1212/1797), “Kitab Jawahir al-Maani wa-Bulugh al-Amani fi Fayd Shaykh Sidi Abil Abbas at-Tijani” (Gems of Indications and Attainment of Aspirations in the Overflowings of Sidi Abil Abbas Tijani) (جوا هر المعاني و بلوغ الأماني في فيض سيدي أبي العباس التجاني).
(9-13) Forward Plan (4 pages)
(14- 19) Introduction (5 pages)
PART ONE(Ch. I, 23-36): On his being, birthplace, parent, lineage, and family (13 pages)
(Ch.II, 39-53): On his consciousness, sates, stages, and excellence (14 pages)
(Ch. III, 57-69): On his knowledge, generosity, liberality, chivalry, aspiration, piety, asceticism, exhortation, freedom, direction and guidance to Allah and leadership of folks by station and adage to Him (12 pages)
(Part IV, 73-96): On the array of his litanies and invocations, the presentation of his order’s chain and followers, the bounty of his litany and what Allah have prepared for its reciter, the description of the disciple and what unbinds him from his instructor, the description of the followed Shaykh in his statements and actions, the method of mystic chanting, and some of his supplications (23 pages)
(Ch. V, 99-154): The interpretation of some Quranic verses (55 pages)
PART TWO(Ch. I, 157-180): The interpretation of some Hadiths (23 pages)
(Ch. II, 181-233): The interpretation of some maxims (in earlier authorities’ works) in gifted terms (52 pages)
(Ch. III, 234-251): On his epistles (17 pages)
(Ch.2, IV, 252-233): On some of his juridical issues and scientific opinions (19 pages)
(265-302): Conclusion, which includes the elucidation of the great prayers of: “The Jewel of Realities in the Description of the Reality Chieftain of the Creatures”, “The Jewel of Excellence in Praise of the Chieftain of Men”, and, “The Divine Prayer in the Ahmedi Reality”. (37 pages)
. ذكر العلامة سيدي أحمد بن الحاج العياشي سكيرج رضي الله عنه في كتاب تيجان الغواني في شرح جواهر المعاني: وكان القدح المملئ من خمرة الحب في هذا الجانب ممن صنف في هذه الطريقة، لناشر راية هذه الطريقة زمن الشيخ رضي الله عنه. خليفته المعظم، من أفاض عليه الشيخ من الحضرة الأحمدية إمداده، فكان من بين أصحابه مريده ومراده، فظهرت عليه من بركته خوارق العادة، أبي الحسن سيدي الحاج علي برادة، قدس الله سره في جنة النعيم. فجاء بهذا التأليف في أبدع تصنيف، وأحسن تصريف، لا يحتاج به إلى تعريف، فجاد به على الفقراء فأغناهم به عن الغير، وأجاد في وضعه فدلهم على تحصيل كل خير، وأفادهم بما أبداه فيه بما رفع للطرف أعلام السير، بإنقاذ المريدين من ضنك الضيم والضير، وكشف به عن غواني المعارف الحجاب، وفتح به لأهل الإمداد من كل خير ألف باب، وهداهم إلى التخلق بكمال الآداب، التي يعز مثلها أن يوجد في كتاب، حتى أظهر ذلك الدر الثمين للعالمين بين العالمين، فكم أبدى فيه من مناقب وفضائل، وفتوحات وشمائل، وكرامات ومسائل، ومقالات ورسائل، مما يبهر العقول الراجحة، ويحرك الهمم الناجحة، وينور الصدور الصالحة، ويحي النفوس الطامحة. فلا تسأل عما اشتمل عليه مع إيجازه من جواهر المعاني المنظومة في سلك البيان البديع النظم والنثر، فما هو إلا السحر الحلال، لعمرك ما هو إلا كاسمه جواهر المعاني، يعرف قدره من عرف ما انطوى عليه، ويقدر قدره من مثل بين يديه، وسقاه مما لديه، وذاق من سره الذي سيق إليه، فهو سر مكتوم، وكأس مختوم، وذر منظوم، ومثله معدوم، سطوره شطور من المنى، ومعانيه مذهبة للعنى، يحصل به لمطالعه عن سواه من كتب القوم كمال الغنى، باطمئنان النفس ودوام الراحة المحمودة مع الهنا. لا تعجبن لحسود راح ينكرها ... تجاهلا وهو عين الحاذق الفهم. فكم شربنا من رحيقه المختوم كؤوسا، وطأطأنا لمعانيه رؤوسا، وطبنا به نفوسا، ودفعنا به عنا بؤسا، وعمره به دروسا وطروسا، وشفينا به الغليل، وأبرأنا به القلب العليل، وكان لنا نعم الدليل، الموصل على غاية المقصود الذي هو بسعادة الدارين كفيل، وهو مع وضوح معانيه وبلاغتها، وتشييد مبانيه وفصاحتها، وتلويح إشاراته وصراحتها، وتفنن عباراته وملاحتها، فقد تأخذ منه الأفكار على قدرها من الفهم، وتقتبس الفهوم من الأنوار على قدر مبلغها من العلم، ويكشف لها عن الأسرار على قدر ما تحمله من الكتم، وتفتض منه عرائس الأبكار على قدر قوتها بين القوم.
The Mother Books Collection1. Al-Khalifa Sidi Abul Hassan Ali Harazem Berrada al-Fasi (d. 1212/1797), “Risalat al-Fadl wal Imtinan ila kaffat al-Ashab wal Ikhwan” (The Epistle of Bounty and Gratitude Forwarded to all the Companions and Confidants) (رسالة الفضل والإمتنان إلى كافة الأحباب والإخوان). The English translation of this epistle can be found here: “Risalat al-Fadl wal Imtinan ila kaffat al-Ashab wal Ikhwan.2. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn al-Mishri Sibai al-Hassani (d. 1224/1809), “Al-Jami’a li-Maa Iftaraqa min ‘Ulumn al-Qutb al-Maktum” (The Absolute in What Has Separated from the Sciences of the Concealed Pole).3. Al-Allama Sidi Tayyeb Sufyani al-Hassani (d. 1259/1844), “Al-Ifada al-Ahmediya li-Murid Sa’ada al-Abadiya” (The Ahmedi Notification for the Hunter of Eternal Rapture).4. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn al-Arbi Sayeh Sharqi al-'Umari (d. 1309/1894), “Kitab Bughyat al-Mustafid fi-Shar'h Minyat al-Murid (Aspiration of the Beneficiary in the Commentary of the Desire of The Seeker) (بغية المستفيد لشرح منية المريد).4. Al-Allama Sidi al-A'hsan b. Abi Jama'a al-Baaqili al-Hassani (d. 1368/1948), “Ira’at ‘Araais Shumus Falak al-Haqaiq al-‘Irfaniya bi-Assabi’a Haqq Mahiyat a-Tarbiya bi-Tariqa Tijaniya” (Manifesting the Bridegrooms’ Suns’ Orbit’s Realities by the Fingers of the Truthful Quiddity of Mystic Education in the Tijaniya Path).5. Al-Allama Sidi al-Haj Omar ibn Said al-Futi (d. 1279/1864), “Kitab Rima'h al-Hizb al Rahim ala Nuhur Hizb ar-Rajim (The Spears of the League of the Merciful thrown at the Necks of the League of the Accursed).6. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed b. Saghir Anbuja Chinguiti Tashiti, “al-Jaysh al-Kabir” (The Great Army).7. Al-Allama Sidi 'Ubayda b. Saghir Anbuja Chinguiti Tashiti (d. 1284/1869), “Mizab ar-Rahma Rabbaniya fi-Tarbiya bi-Tariqa Tijaniya” (Spout of Divine Mercy in the Tijani Spiritual Training).8. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammad al-Hafid b. al-Mokhtar Beddi Chinguiti, “Mawlid Isnan al-Kamal” (Birthday of the Most Complete Human Being; Sidna Mohammed, peace and blessing be upon him).10. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed b. Abdelwahid Nadhifi (d. 1366/1946), “Al-Yaquta al-Farida” (The Matchless Sapphire).11. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed b. Ahmed Akansus al-Jaafari (d. 1294/1879), “Al-Jawab al-Muskit fi ar-Rddi 'ala Man Takallama fi-Tariq al-Imam Tijani bi-la Tatabbut” (The Silenced Riposte in Response to the Muggers of the Imam Tijani’s Order Devoid of Evidence).12. Al-Allama Sidi Ibrahim b. Abdellah Niass al-Kulakhi (d. 1394 /1975), “Kashf al-Albas ‘an Faydat al-Khatm Abil Abbas”, (Unveiling the Confusion on the Overflowing of Shaykh Abil Abbas).مؤلفات الشيخ سكيرج رضي الله عنه
قال العلامة الكبير سيدي محمد الحجوجي رحمه الله ورضي عنه في كتابه فتح الملك العلام بتراجم بعض علماء الطريقة التجانية الأعلام ما نصه :ومنهم القاضي العلامة الجليل، المشارك النزيه النبيه الحفيل، سيدي أحمد بن سيدي الحاج العياشي سكيرج الأنصاري، هذا السيد شهرته بالعلم والأدب وعدة فنون كالحساب، وليس عندنا من يتقن الجذور فيه مثله، كنار على علم، وأما مؤلفاته فحدث عن البحر ولا حرج، وإن شئت أن تقول لكثرتها هو سيوطي زمانه لما كنت مبالغا، ومن أنفس مؤلفاته نظمه لشفا القاضي عياض، وكشف الحجاب، والكوكب الوهاج، مع تمسكه بالطريقة عن فرسانها الكاملين، وذبه عن حريمها أعرف من قفا نبكي. وبالجملة فالرجل منذ نعومة أظفاره وهو مشتغل بالعلم والتأليف والذب عن حريم أهل الله، وقد حج مرات وزار، وجال البلاد والتقى برجال وأي رجال، وتولى خطة القضاء مرات في عدة مواضع، ولا زال بقيد الحياة، كثر الله في المسلمين أمثاله .و قال تلميذه العلامة الشهير سيدي محمد الحافظ التجاني المصري رحمه الله ضمن ترجمته له بعد كلام في الموضوع” :وما رأيت من بارك الله له في حياته وزمنه كسيدي الحاج أحمد سكيرج، فإنه كان يرعى أموره الدنيوية والزراعية بنفسه، مع قيامه بالقضاء والاجتماعات الدينية، وإلقاء العظات التي يلين لها الصخر، والإصلاح بين الناس، والرد على الاستفتاءات التي كانت ترد عليه من أقطار العالم الإسلامي برسائل كل واحدة منها تصلح أن تكون مؤلفا مستقلا كافيا في موضوعه، وهذا شيء لا نستطيع حصره، فإن أصحابه الآخذين عنه كثيرون في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها، من المحيط الأطلسي في أقصى المغرب إلى المحيط الهادي في الأقطار الأندونسية في أقصى المشرق من كبار العلماء والأدباء وذوي الرأي، وكان يكتب هذه الرسائل بنفسه وخطه، مع اشتغاله بالإطلاع والتأليف نثرا وشعرا، في قوة بيان وبلاغة ناصعة وتحرير حكيم"The Sukayraji Collection
1. “’Hadiqat Unsii fi-Ta’ariif bi-Nafsi” (The Garden of My Intimacy in the Introduction of Myself) (حديقة أنسي في التعريف بنفسي). The Allama wrote this short essay at the age of 50 (1345/1926) during his judgeship of El Jedida City.2. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Kashf al-Hijab 'Amman Talaaqa bi-Shaykh Tijani Mina-l As'hab” (Rising the Veil on the Companions of Shaykh Tijani) (كشف الحجاب عمن تلاقى مع الشيخ التجاني من الاصحاب).3. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Raf’a Niqab ba'ad Kashf al-Hijab 'Amman Talaaqa bi-Shaykh Tijani Mina-l As'hab (Lifting the Curtain after Rising the Veil on the Companions of Shaykh Tijani) (رفع النقاب بعد كشف الحجاب عمن تلاقى مع الشيخ التجاني من الاصحاب).4. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Ad-Dahab al-Khalis fi Mu’ahaadat Kubra al-Khasais" (The Pure Gold in the Duplication of the Book of ‘The Awesome Characteristics”) (الذهب الخالص في محاذاة كبرى الخصائص). Among the most famous books on the Prophetic narratives and virtues are al-Suyuti's al-Khasa'is al-Kubra (The Most Awesome Characteristics of the Prophet). The Allama Sukayraj converts this book into 20.000 verses laid in more than 600 pages.5. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Kamal al-farah wa as-Surur bi-Mawlad Madhar an-Nur” (Perfection of Joy and Happiness in the Birth of the Manifestation of Light).6. “Dairat al-Khayal fi-Tarajim Saadah Ta’arraftu Bihim fi-Dairat al-Khayal” (The Circle of Imagination in the Recollection of Masters I was Acquainted With them in the Circle of Imagination) (دائرة الخيال في تراجم سادة تعرفت بهم في دائرة الخيال).7. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Mawrid al-Safa' fi-Mu'hadat al-Shifa' (The Onset of Limpidness in the Duplication of the Book of the Antidote). The Allama successfully converts al-Qadi Iyad's glorious masterpiece "The Antidote in Knowing the Rights of the Chosen Prophet" (Ash-Shifa bita'rif huquq al-Mustapha) from prose into 7747 verses in 200 pages.8. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Kawkab al-Wahhaj li-Tawdii’h Dhurrat at-Taj wa 'Ujaalat al-Mu'htaj” (The Fiery Planet in the Commentary of the Inimitable Gemstone). The book celebrates the poem of Shaykh Sidi al-Abdelkarim Bannis al-Fasi in prose.9. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Ash-Shamail Tijaniya” (The Tijani Narratives) (Arabic Edition). The English Translation can be found here: “Ash-Shamail Tijaniya”.10. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Jami’a al-‘Irfaniya fi-Shurut wa Jull Fadail Ahl Tariqa Tijaniya” (The Obsolete Divine Exposition in the Introduction of the Conditions and Narratives of the Followers of the Tijani Order). The book presents a commentary on the poem of the Sultan Mawlana Abdelwahid Alawi (d. 1352/1937).11. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Tajrid As’ilat Shaykh Mohammed Kattani”, (The Detachment of Shaykh Mohammed al-Kattani’s Enquiries). The book is a must-read manuscript in which al-Allama Sukayraj tackles the questions of Imam Tirmidhi and Shaykh al-Kattani on the subject of sealness of sainthood. (تجريد أسئلة الحكيم الترمذي: و هي 155 سؤالا من الفتوحات المكية لابن عربي) .12. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Jannat al-Jani fi-Tarajim As’hab Shaykh Tijani” (Paradise of Harvest in the Hagiographies of the Companions of Shaykh Tijani).13. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Nahj al-Hidaya fi-Ma'ana al-Khatmiya al-Lati Tadhahara bihaa Shaykh Tijani (The Structured Pathway in the Definition of Sealness that Shaykh Tijani Claimed for Himself). Another interesting book on the sealness of sainthood in which al-Allama Sukayraj reveals comprehensive evidences on the Khatmiya of Sidna Shaykh Abil Abbas Tijani RA. The book is available only in Moroccan Andalusian script.
من رسائل العلامة سيدي أحمد بن العياشي سكيرج رضي الله عنه إلي المقدم السيد عبد العزيز الدباغ رضي الله عنه: طلبكم الإجازة في كتبنا ومحفوظاتنا ومروياتنا، فها نحن نخبركم بذلك مما ألفناه في الطريقة وخارجها فروعا وأصولا، أبوابا وفصولا، بحسب ما لدينا في ذلك من إجازات مشايخنا، مما تلقينا منهم الإجازة فيه مشافهة ومكاتبة بشروط ذلك، طبق ما بينا ذلك في كتابنا قدم الرسوخ فيما لمؤلفه من الشيوخ، وهو ثبت جمعنا فيه أسانيدنا ومروياتنا من علوم وكتب وحديث وغير ذلك، غير أنه لا تروق في نظري الإجازة في غير كتب الحديث والذكر الحكيم، فإن الإجازات في نظري تنقسم إلى من هو من قبيل الشهادات للتحصيل على الرواتب المعينة من الحكومة، وهي لا تجدي نفعا في طريق السلوك، لكونها قاصرة على نفع دنيوي، ولا يحتاج فيها إلى سند، لأن المدار فيها على التحصيل، والإدراك الذي عليه في فهم العلوم التعويل، والسند عندي في ذلك من قبيل ضياع الوقت، إلا ما كان من معرفة الكتب ومؤلفيها، فهو للمعتقد فيه البركة، وذلك نظرا لذكر الصالحين ومالهم من المآثر التي من جملتها تآليفهم، وإنما النفع الخاص عندي مع النفع العام أتحققه في العلوم النورانية والكتب المؤلفة فيها. والحاصل أن كل علم يشترك في تحصيله الأجنبي والمسلم يحتاج فيه إلى إجازة، لأن المدار فيه على التحصيل للقواعد وفهم المقاصد، وأما ما ينفرد فيه المسلم، فإما أن يكون نورانيا محضا كالحديث والقرآن، فهذا السند فيه من الدين، وإما أن يكون من علم الأصول والفروع، فالمدار فيه على تحصيل قواعده من العارفين به، ولا يحتاج فيه إلى سند إلا على وجه التبرك لا غير، ولا فائدة في السند في اللغة والشعر والمنطق والنحو والمعقولات، وغير ذلك من علم الطبيعة والتنجيم في الكتب المؤلفة فيها، إلا من الحيثية التي ذكرناها من معرفة أصحاب الفن المجاز فيه. وقد كان أخبرني شيخنا العارف بالله سيدي ومولاي أحمد العبدلاوي رضي الله عنه عن القطب سيدي الحاج علي التماسينينه كان يقول عن الشيخ قدس سره : العلوم على أربعة أقسام : علم يقسي القلب وهو علم الفقه والجمود عليه، وعلم يورث الكبر وهو علم النحو وما يرجع إليه، وعلم يزهد في الدنيا وهو علم التاريخ وما أنيط به، وعلم ينور القلب وهو علم الحديث وما يتعلق به، ولا شك أن المنور للقلب هو الذي يحتاج فيه إلى سند، والسند فيه من الدين، وعلى كل حال فلدينا إجازات من شيوخنا اشتملت على الأسانيد المنوطة بكتب الفقه والحديث والقراءات والكلام وغيرها، حسبما أفضنا القول في ذلك في كتابنا قدم الرسوخ المشار له، وإذا يسر الله طبعه نوجه لكم منه نسخا، وقد أجزناكم بجميع ذلك إجازة تامة عامة لتجيزوا بها من شئتم، وأنتم أهل لذلك، إلا ما كان من بعض الكتب في الطريقة التي لا إجازة لنا من أربابها، فنحن لا نجيز فيها إلا بالأذكار المشتملة عليها من الوجهة التي فيها الإذن لنا من أشياخنا قدس سرهم، وقوفا مع الجادة في الطريق، وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل من الترامي على ما ليس لنا به علم، وانتحال أسانيد لم يكن لنا بها اتصال بين ذوي العلم والفهم، (وأفوض أمري إلى الله إن الله بصير بالعباد).14. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Tanbih al-Ikhwan Anna at-Tariqa Tijaniya la-Yu’tiha illa man Lahu Iidhn-u Sa'hih Tula Zamaan wa la Yasi'hhu Talqinuha 'Amman Yulaqqinu Ghayraha Mina Turuq Kayfamaa Kaan” (Paying the Attention of the Brethren that the Tijani Path is Ever Initiated by the Possessors of Genuine Authorization and that it is Never Initiated by Those Who Offer Other Orders Whomever They Are) (تنبيه الإخوان على أن الطريقة التجانية لا يلقنها إلا من له اذن صحيح طول الزمان و لا يصح تلقينها عمن يلقن غيرها من الطرق كيف كان). This must-read book discusses two of the three sacred conditions of the Mohammediya Tijani order; detachment of the Tijani Wird and Path with other litanies and orders. The book was resumed at the order of the Khalifa Mawlana Mahmud ibn Mawlana al-Bashir Tijani RA to answer the claims of the founder of the Algerian Sulaymaniya sect, the Shaykh Sidi Mohammed ibn Sulayman Nadrumi (d. 1346/1927) who maintained the authority to initiate the Mohammedian Tijani Path along with the Qadiriya, the Tayyebiya-Wazzaniya, and the Darqawiya. It seems that Shaykh Ben Sulayman understood the lesson and repented upon reading this 240 pages book, which was by the way commented by scholars: Mouawiya Tamimi at-Tunusi and Sidi Abdellah Ben Hachmi Wazzani.15. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “’Aqd al-Marjan al-Muwajjah ilaa Shaykh Mohammed ibn Sulayman” (The Coral Necklace Directed to the Shaykh Mohammed ibn Sulayman) (عقد المرجان الموجه إلى الشيخ محمد بن سليمان). This is another epistled directed to the Shaykh of the Sulaymania order in which the Allama demonstrates in short some of the pitfalls of initiating the Tijaniya order along with others Sufi paths.16. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Tijani al-Ghawani fi Shar’h Jawahir al-Ma’ani” (The Crown of Melodies in the Commentary of [the book of the] Gems of Indications) (تيجان الغواني في شرح جواهر المعاني). The book sheds forth the hagiography of al-Khalifa Sidi Abul Hassan Ali Harazem Berrada al-Fasi (d. 1212/1797) and his book “Kitab Jawahir al-Maani wa-Bulugh al-Amani fi Fayd Shaykh Sidi Abil Abbas at-Tijani” (Gems of Indications and Attainment of Aspirations in the Overflowings of Sidi Abil Abbas Tijani).17. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-‘Aqd al-Munadham fi-ma Yata’allaq mina al-Jawhir bi-l Ism al-A’dham” (The Necklace Embedded with the Gems of the Greatest Name) (العقد المنظم فيما يتعلق من الجواهر بالاسم الأعظم).18. “Tarab al-‘Hayy fi-Kawn al-Akhd ‘Ani Shaykh al-Muntakil ilaa Dar al-Baqa´Afdal mina al-Akhd ‘ani al-‘Hayy” (The Tune of the Living in that Taking from a Deceased Master being superior than the Living One) (طرب الحي في كون الأخذ عن الشيخ المنتقل إلى دار البقاء أفضل من الأخذ عن الحي).19. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), Ash-Shata'haat As-Sukayrrajiya (The Sukayraji Ecstatic Utterances).20. “Al-Fuyudat al-Irfaniya fi ar-Rad ‘ala al-Ifriqi Mouallif al-Anwar ar-Rahmaniya” (The Mystic Flow in Answering the Allegations of Al-Ifriqi: Author of the ‘Gracious Lights’) (الفيوضات العرفانية في الرد على الإفريقي مؤلف الأنوار الرحمانية).21. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Iman as-Sahih fi-Rad ‘ala Mouallaf al-Jawab as-Sari’h” (The Accurate Conviction in Response to the Author of ‘The Forthright Response’) (الايمان الصحيح في الرد على مؤلف الجواب الصريح). The book is the answer of the Allama Sukayraj to the false allegations of Ben Badis and Mohammed ibn Hassan al-‘Hajwi.22. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “al-Qawl al-Musib fi-Bayan Maa Khufuya ‘ala Mudiir Jaridat al-Fath Muhyi-d-Din al-Khatib” (The Proper Report in Revealing what has been hidden to Muhyi-d-Din al-Khatib: the Director of the Al-Fath Newspaper) (القول المصيب في بيان ما خفي على مدير جريدة الفتح محب الدين الخطيب).23. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-‘Hijara al-Mqtiya li-Kasri Mir’aati al-Masaawi al-Waqtiya” (The Squalid Marble to Smash the Mirror of [the Book of the} Contemporary Disadvantages) (الحجارة المقتية لكسر مرآة المساوي الوقتية في الرد على ابن الموقت). The book was designed to invalidate the hypocrisies of the scholar Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Misfiwi al-Murrakushi (known as Ibn al-Muwaqqit).24. “As-Sirr ar-Rabbani fii Rad Tarahaat Ibn Maayaabaa al-‘Ani al-Latti Tabahbaha Bihaa Fii Taaliifih Mushtahaa al-Kharif al-Jaani” (Part 2) (Part 3) (The Divine Secret in Answering the Lunacies of the Suffering Ibn Mayaba which He Has Coughed up in His Book ‘the Doting Offender’) (السر الرباني في رد ترهات ابن مايابا العاني التي تبحبح بها في تأليفه مشتهى الخارف الجاني)25. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “As-Sirat al-Mustaqim fi ar-Rad ‘ala Mouallif an-Nahj a-Qawim” (The Straight Path in Answering the Author of ‘The True Approach’) (الصراط المستقيم في الرد على مؤلف النهج القويم).26. “Jinayat al-Muntasib al-‘Ani bi-Ma Nasabahu bi-al-Khadib li-Shaykh Tijani” (The Crime of the Suffering Affiliated in the Lies He Has Credited to the Shaykh Tijani) (جناية المنتسب العاني، بما نسبه بالكذب للشيخ التجاني).27. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Risalat al-Imtinan wa ar-Rahma ilaa Sair al-Ummah bi-Basha´ir Tahani fi-Matalib at-Tijani” (The Letter of Gratitude and Mercy Towards the Whole Islamic Community in the Glad Tidings of the Demands of Shaykh Tijani) (رسالة الامتنان و الرحمة إلى سائر الأمة). A non-completed treatise on Sufism.28. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Turuq al-Manfi’a bi-al-Ajwiba ‘Ani al-Asila al-Arba’a” (The Paths of Assistance in Answering the Fourfold Questions).29. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Zahr al-Affanine fi al-Ajwiba ‘Ani al-Asila at-Thalatin” (The Blossom of in Answer the Thirtyfold Questions). ) (زهر الافانين في الأجوبة عن الأسئلة الثلاثين). The book is directed to the Muqaddam Sidi Abdellaziz ibn Abdel Majid Sudani.30. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Sabil ar-Rachad fi al-Mu’hawara bayna Dhawi al-Intiqad was al-I’atiqat” (The Path of Guidance in the Discussion between the Agnostics and the Believers) (سبيل الرشاد في المحاورة بين ذوي الانتقاد و الاعتقاد).31. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “As-Si’hr al-Babili al-Muwajjah li al-Arif Tadili” (The Babylonian Magic Directed to the Tadili the Gnostic). (السحر البابلي الموجه للعارف التادلي)32. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Qawl al-Jalli al-Muwajjah ila al-Arif Shaykh Mohammed ibn Ali” (The Bright Account Directed to the Gnostic Shaykh Mohammed ibn Ali) (القول الجلي الموجه إلى العارف الشيخ محمد بن علي). This book is lost.33. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Zawal al-‘Hayra bi-Qati’a al-Burhan bi al-Ajwiba ‘Amma Nasharthu Jaridat az-Zahra wa Ta’hta ‘Unwan Anya ‘Humaat al-Quran” (“Disappearance of Perplexity with all-Inclusive Evidence in Answering What the Zahra Newspaper Had Published Under the Headline of ‘Where are the Guardians of the Quran?’” (زوال الحيرة بقاطع البرهان بالجواب عما نشرته جريدة الزهرة و تحت عنوان أين حماة القرآن).34. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Miftah al-Futuhat ar-Rabbaniya” (Input to The Divine Openings) (مفتاح الفتوحات المكية). A key writing in the commentary of some of the most complex codes in the Book of the Futuhat al-Makkiya (The Meccan Revelation) of al-Qutb al-Kamil, Shaykh al-Akbar, Sidi Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi (d. 636/1221).35. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Ijada ‘alaa al-Ifada” (The Mastery Upon The Notification) (الإجادة على الإفادة). The incomplete booklet elaborates on the indications of the maxims and proverbs of Sidna Shaykh Tijani found in the book of Al-Ifada al-Ahmediya li-Murid Sa’ada al-Abadiya” (The Ahmedi Notification for the Hunter of Eternal Rapture) written by Sidi Tayyeb Sufyani (d. 1259/1844).36. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “As-Sirr al-Bahir bi-ma Infarada bihi al-Jami’a ‘ani al Jawahir”, (The Brilliant Secret in the Exclusive Reports of [the Book of] The Absolute) (السر الباهر بما انفرد به الجامع عن الجواهر). The scholar tries in this fragmentary booklet to emphasize the adages of Sidna Shaykh Tijani RA found in “Al-Jami’a” and are not mentioned in “Jawahir al-Maani ”.37. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “An-Naf'ha al-'Anbariya fi al-Ajwiya Sukayrijiya” (The Musky Breeze in the Sukayraj Reports) (النفحة العنبرية في الأجوبة السكيرجية).38. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Yawaaqiit al-Ahmediya al-‘Irfaniya wa al-Lataef at-Rabbaniya fi al-Ajwiba ‘an Ba’ad al-Isila fii Tariqa at-Tijaniya” (The Ahmedi Knowledgeable Rubies and Revealed Blessings in Answering Various Questions on the Tijani Path) (اليواقيت الأحمدية العرفانية و اللطائف الربانية في الأجوبة عن بعض الأسئلة في الطريقة التجانية).39. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “'Aqd al-Aal fi- I'araab Jawharat al-Kamal” (The Collar of Charms in the Grammar of [The Prayer of] The Jewel of Perfection) (عقد اللآل في إعراب جوهرة الكمال).40. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Matali’a al-Asrar li-Madarik al-Ahrar fi-Sharh Salat al-Fatih” (The Onset of Secrets in the Perception of the Liberals in the Explanation [of the Prayer of the] ‘Opening of What Had Been Sealed’) (مطالع الأسرار لمدارك الأحرار في شرح صلاة الفاتح لما أغلق بالحروف المهملة). A commentary on the meanings of the Prayer of Salat al-Fatih Prayer: The Matchless Sapphire.41. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “An-Naf’ha al-Wahbiya fi-Shar’h Slalat al-Ghaybiya” (النفحة الوهبية في شرح الصلاة الغيبية).42. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Bulugh al-Amani bi al-Ijaza li-Murid al-Wird at-Tijani” (The Attainment of Aspirations in the Licence of the Tijani Litany) (بلوغ الأماني بالإجازة لمريد الورد التجاني).43. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-‘Haqq al-Mubiin fi-Intisaari at-Tijaaniyyine ‘alaa Ulama’ al-Qarawiyyine” (The Landslide Truth in the Victory of the Tijanis over the Qarawiyyine Scholars) (الحق المبين في انتصار التجانيين على علماء القرويين)44. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), 'Hadrat at-Tadani fi-Shar’h Abyat al-Khatm Tijanii (The Presence of Proximity in the Elucidation of the Poem of The Seal [Shaykh Sidi Ahmed] Tijani) (حضرة التداني من شرح أبيات الختم التجاني).45. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Risalat Al-Yawaqit al-Ahmdiya fi al-Ajwiba 'an Ba'ad al-Asila fi-Tariqa Tijaniya” (The Epistle of the Ahmedi Rubies in Answering a Number of Questions on the Tijani Path).46. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Risalat Al-Ightibat fi-l Jawab 'ala al-As´ila al-Warida min al-Aghwat” (The Epistle of Delight in Answering the Incoming Inquiries from the Aghwat). (. الاغتباط في الجواب عن الأسئلة الواردة من الأغواط)47. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Risalat Al-Balagh al-Muwajjah ila Shaykh Abdellaziz Debbagh” (The Communiqué Forwarded to the Shaykh Abdellaziz Debbagh) (البلاغ الموجه إلى الشيخ عبد العزيز الدباغ).48. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Risalat Al-Jawahir al-Munthathira fi al-Jawab A'ani al-Asila al-I'hda 'Ashara” (The Sparkling Gems in Answering the Elevenfold Inquiries).49. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Ar-Rawd al-Manif fi al-Jawab ‘an Asilat Amin Mahmoud Sharif” (The Super Garden in Answering the Questions of Amin Mahmoud Sharif).50. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), Risalat ad-Durr al-Maknun fi al-Ajwiba 'an As´ilat al-Faqih Sayyed Mohammed Shashun Tanji (The Unique Treasure in Answering the Questions of the Jurist Sidi Mohammed Shashun of Tangiers) (الدر المكنون في الأجوبة عن أسئلة الفقيه السيد محمد شاشون الطنجاوي).51. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Bustan al-Ma’aarif Fii-maa Awradahu al-Warid mina al-Lataif ‘ind ba’adi al-Mawaaqif” (The Garden of Gnosises Whereby the Flow Revealed of Blessings in a Number of Situations) (بستان المعارف فيما أورده الوارد من اللطائف عند بعض المواقف). The 63 pages of the book present beautiful interpretations to several verses of the Holy Quran.52. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Jawahir al-Ghaliya al-Muhdat ilaa li-dawi al-Himam al-‘Aliya” (The Precious Jewels Donated to those with High Motivation) (الجواهر الغالية المهداة لذوي الهمم العالية).53. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Thamarat al-Funun fi-Fawaid Taqirru biha al-‘Uuyun” (Fruit of Arts in Benefits that Delight the Eyes).54. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Badr al-Munir fi at-Tibb at-Tijani al-Marfu’a Limawlana al-Kabir” (The Enlightening Crescent Moon in the Tijani Medicine Reported to Mawlana al-Kabir; Mawlana al-Kabir b. Sidna al-Bashir b. Sidna al-Habib b. Sidna Shaykh Ahmed Tijani RA).55. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Tanwir al-Ufuq fi at-Turuq” (Enlightenment of Horizons in the -Sufi- Orders) (تنوير الأفق في الطرق).56. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Ghaniyat al-Mu’htaj fi-Shar’h Wadi’h al-Minhaj” (The Gift of the Needy in the Commentary of ‘The Straight Method’) (غنية المحتاج في شرح واضح المنهاج و هو شرح لنظم الحكم العطائية). The book provides a commentary on the poem of the Straight Method (Wadi’h al-Minhaj) of the Tijani Faqih Sidi Abdelkarim b. al-Arbi Bennis (d. 1350/1937) in which the latter turned Sidi Ibn Ata'Allah Sakandari's (d. 709/1294) famous ‘Hikam (Aphorisms) into poetry. Complimentary to Ibn Ata’Allah adages are the many aphorisms of the Allama Sukayraj that accent the themes or topics of the narratives in a more direct and intuitive manner.57. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Al-Wasiyya ash-Shafiya” (The Healing Advice) (الوصية الشافية). A poem of aphorisms and sciences in 3042 verses.58. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “The Journey of al-Allama Sukayraj to the Hijazi States and his Return to Morocco through Egypt” (سفر العلامة سكيرج إلى الأقطار الحجازية و عودته إلى مصر في طريقه إلى بلاد المغرب)59. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Ar-Rihla Zaydaniya al-Alawiya al-Maknasiya” (The Voyage with the Faqih Sidi Abderrahman ibn Zaydan al-Alawi al-Maknasi) (الرحلة الزيدانية العلوية المكناسية).60. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Ar-Rihla al-Habibiya al-Wahraniya” (The Voyage to Oran, Algeria) (الرحلة الحبيبية الوهرانية).61. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “A Journey to Algeria” (شبه رحلة إلى الجزائر).62. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Rihlat Ghayat al-Maqsud bi-Rihla ma'a Sidi Mahmud” (The Ultimate Objective in the Voyage with Sidi Mahmud) (غاية المقصود بالرحلة مع سيدي محمود). The Allama’s voyage is a diary of travel where minute details are scrupulously mentioned from the first day of the caravan's departure down Fez to the last stop (Rabat) in company of al-Khalifa Mawlana Mahmoud b. Mawlana al-Bashir; the first grandson of Sidna Shaykh Tijani RA to visit Fez (1329/1911) and Morocco since the departure of Sidi Mohammed al-Kabir and Sidi Mohammed al-Habib, the sons of Sidna Shaykh, to Ain Madhi, Algeria.63. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Ar-Rihla li-Tadshin Masjid Bariz” (The Voyage to Inaugurate the Mosque of Paris) (الرحلة لتدشين مسجد باريس).64. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Taj ar-Ru´us li-Tafassuh bi-Nawahi Suss” (The Crown of Heads in the Mosey Around Souss) (تاج الرؤوس في التفسح بنواحي سوس).65. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “Iqad al-Qarae´h li-Taqyiid as-Sawae´h” (Awakening of Ambitions in Memorizing the Thoughts) (ايقاظ القرائح لتقييد السوانح). The item is a diary of four months in 92 pages.66. Al-Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed ibn al-'Iyyashi Sukayraj al-Fasi (d. 1366/1944), “An-Nataej al-Yawmiya fi-Sawae´f al-Fikriya” (The Daily Outcomes in the Intellectual Thoughts) (النتائج اليومية في السوانح الفكرية). The item is a diary of two months in 67 pages.The Twentieth Century Collection
1. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Nukhbat al-It’haf fi-Dhikr Man Muni’hu Mina Shaykh Tijani bi-Jamil al-Awsaf (The Exceptional Object D’art in the Memory of the Companions Who Received from Shaykh Tijani the Best of Characters).2. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “It’haf Ahl al-Maratib al-Irfaniya bi-Dhikr Ba’ad Rijal Tariqa Tijaniya (Pearling the Knowledgeable Cream in the Recollection of Some Tijani Elites) in eight volumes.3. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Fat’h al-Malik al-‘Allam bi-Tarajim Ba’ad Ulama’ at-Tariqa at-Tijaniya al-A’alam (The Opening of the King The All-Knowing in the Recollection of a Number of Knowledgeable Scholars of the Tijani Path) in two volumes.4. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Lawami’a al-Anwar wa Fuyud al-Asrar” (The Shining Lights and The Overflowing of Secrets).5. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Nasihat al-Ikhwan wa Murshid al-Murtab wa al-Hayran Li-Man Yuriidu al-Fawza bi-Ridwan” (Advise of the Brethren and Guide of the Cynic and the Confused Whom are Seeking the Paradise of the Ridwan).6. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Nafahat al-Qudsiya fi al-Qasaid Shi'ariya” (The Sacred Grants in the Poems of Poetry).7. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Fath al-Mannan fi-Mura'at Huquq al-Ikhwan” (The Opening of the Conferrer of Favors in the Observance of the Rights of the Brethren).8. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “ An-Nafha al-Mukhtasara fi-Rad 'ala Awliya al-Khiyara” (The Short Profile in Response to the Benevolent Saints of God).9. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Al-Qawl al-Muhkam fi-Sifat al-Muqaddam” (The Firm Account in the Narratives of the Muqaddam).10. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Al-Qawl Sadid fi-Sifat al-Murid” (The Comprehensive Statement in the Narratives of the Disciple).11. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Al-Hikam al-Nuraniya wa l-Futuhat Samadaniya” (The Enlightened Aphorisms and the Absolute Opening).12. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ibn Mohammed al-Hajuji al-Idrissi al-Hassani (d. 1371/1952), “Kamal al-Abd wa Ghinah fi-Ta'aluqihi Billah wa I'aradhihi 'Amma Siwah (The Excellence and Wealth of the Servant in the Lord’s Attachment and Avoidance of any Other).13. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed b. Abdelwahid Nadhifi (d. 1366/1946), “Al-Yaquta al-Farida” (The Matchless Sapphire).14. Sidi Badr Dardali al-Misri, “Al-Hidaya al-Mohammediya fi-Tariqat al-Khatm Tijaniya” (The Mohammedian Guidance in the Tijani Path of the Seal of Saints)15. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed b. Abdelwahid Nadhifi (d. 1366/1946), “Mabadi’a al-Ishraq wa al-Isad fii maa li Tijani Mina al-Adhkaari wa al-Awraad” (The Investiture of Illumination and Rapture in the Tijani Invocations and Litanies”. Along with a comprehensive hagiography on the life and career of Sidi Mohammed Nadhifi.16. Al-Allama Sidi Tijani b. Baba Alawi (d. 1260/1845), “Minya-t al-Murid” (The Desire of The Seeker).17. Sidi Mohammed al-Hafidh al-Misri (d. 1398/1983), “Asfa manahil as-safa fi mashrab Khatim al-Awliya” (The Purest Fountain in the Spring of the Seal of Saints),18. Sidi Mohammed al-Hafidh al-Misri (d. 1398/1983), “Qasd as-sabil fi-Tariqa Tijaniya” (The Straight Trail in the Tijani Pathway).19. Sidi Mohammed al-Hafidh al-Misri (d. 1398/1983), “Fasl a-maqal fi-ma yarfa’a al-idhn fi-l ‘hal” (The Essential Saga in what Perishes Authorization),20. Sidi Mohammed al-Hafidh al-Misri (d. 1398/1983), “Ahl al-Haqq al-‘arifun billah” (The Community of Truth: the Sages of Allah).21. Sidi Badr Dardali al-Misri, “Al-Hidaya al-Mohammediya fi-Tariqat al-Khatm Tijaniya” (The Mohammedian Guidance in the Seal’s Tijani Path).22. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed b. Abdellah Shafi’i Taftawi al-Misri, “Al-Fath ar-Rabbani fi-ma Ya'htaju Ilayhi al-Murid Tijani” (The Divine Opening in the Needs of the Tijani Companion).23. Sidi al-Haj Ahmed Tijani b. Mohammed b. Ibrahim Chinguiti (d. 1345/1930), “Al-Futuhat ar-Rabbaniya fi Tariqa Ahmediya Tijaniya” (The Divine Openings in the Ahmedi-Tijani Sufi Order).24. Sidi al-Haj Ahmed Tijani b. Mohammed b. Ibrahim Chinguiti (d. 1345/1930), “As-Sirr al-Abhar fi-Awrad al-Qutb al-Akbar (The Surreptitious Secret in the Litanies of the Grandest Pole).25. Sidi al-Haj Ahmed Tijani b. Mohammed b. Ibrahim Chinguiti (d. 1345/1930), “Al-Futuhat ar-Rabbaniya fi Tariqa Ahmediya Tijaniya” (The Divine Openings in the Ahmedi-Tijani Sufi Order).26. Sidi al-Haj Ahmed Tijani b. Mohammed b. Ibrahim Chinguiti (d. 1345/1930), As-Sirr al-Abhar fi-Awrad al-Qutb al-Akbar (The Surreptitious Secret in the Litanies of the Grandest Pole).27. Sidi Mohammed Alwan al-Jusaqi Sayyed Tijani, “Al-Hidaya ar-Rabbaniya fi-fiqh Tariqa Tijaniya” (The Godly Guidance in the Tijani Jurisprudence).28. Sidi Mohammed Alwan al-Jusaqi Sayyed Tijani, An-Naf’ha al-Qudsiya fi-s-Sira al-Ahmediya Tijaniya (The Celestial Breeze in the Memoirs of The Ahmedi Tijani Path).29. Sidi Ayman 'Hamdi, Ahl Safaa min Kalaam Khatm al-Awliya (The Pure in the Sayings of the Seal of Saints).30. Sidi Mohammed Alwan al-Jusaqi Sayyed Tijani, Ghayat al-Amani fi-Manaqib wa Karamat Ashab Shaykh Sidi Ahmed Tijani (The Ultimate Aspirations in the Narratives and Marvels of Shaykh Sidi Ahmed Tijani).31. Sidi al-Hadi ibn Sidi Mawlud Fal, “Ikhraj Shurut Tariqa Tijaniya Ma'a ma Tammanathu mina Shurut al-Bahiya (Conditions of the Tijani Path Along With What It contains of Pure Benefits).32. Al-Allama Sidi Mohammed ar-Radi Gannun al-Hassani, “Ma’alamat Maa’lim Suss: Al-Faqih Sidi Mohammed Akansus”, (The Testament of the Testaments of Suss: The Jurist Sidi Mohammed Akansus). The book includes some of the caliph’s greatest epistles.33. Al-Ustadh Sidi Ahmed ibn Abdellah Sukayraj, “Min Anwar Jawahir al-Ma'ani” (From the Lights of The Gems of Indications).34. Al-Ustadh Sidi Ahmed ibn Abdellah Sukayraj, “Iza'hat Sitar 'Amma fi-Tariqa Tijaniya min Asrar” (Lifting the Curtain on the Tijani Secrets).35. Al-Ustadh Sidi Abdellah ibn Sidi Mawlud Fal, “Risalat al-Qawl al-‘Hasm fi-Masalat al-Khatmiya wa al-Khatm (The Decisive Report on the Subject of Sealness and Seal of Saints).36. Sidi Mohammed b. Abdellah Shafi’i Taftawi, Ghayat al-Amani fi-Manaqib wa Karamat Ashab Shaykh Sidi Ahmed Tijani (The Ultimate Aspirations in the Narratives and Marvels of Shaykh Sidi Ahmed Tijani).37. Sidi Badr Salama, An-Naf’ha al-fadliya wal hidaya al-Mohammediya (The Graceful Breeze and Mohammedian Guidance).38. Sidi Mohammed Alwan al-Jusaqi Sayyed Tijani, “Ghayat al-Amani fi-Manaqib wa Karamat Ashab Shaykh Sidi Ahmed Tijani (The Ultimate Aspirations in the Narratives and Marvels of Shaykh Sidi Ahmed Tijani).39. Sidi Mohammed Alwan al-Jusaqi Sayyed Tijani, Al-Hidaya ar-Rabbaniya fi-Fiqh Tariqa Tijaniya (The Godly Guidance in the Tijani Jurisprudence).40. Sidi Mohammed Alwan al-Jusaqi Sayyed Tijani, An-Naf’ha al-Qudsiya fi-Sira al-Ahmediya Tijaniya (The Celestial Breeze in the Memoirs of Ahmedi Tijani Path).41. Sidi Ayman Hamdi, Ahl safa' min kalam Khatm al-Awliya (The Pure in the Sayings of the Seal of Saints).42. Sidi Salahuddin Tijani, Tariqa Tijaniya (The Tijani Path).43. Sidi Salahuddin Tijani, “Kashf al-Ghuyum 'an Ba'ad Asrar al-Qutb al-Maktum (Clearing the Clouds on some of the Secrets of the Concealed Pole).
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